Just FYI

December 19, 2020 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Vice President Unelect Mike Pence has announced that members of the new Space Force will have a name.  You know, like the Air Force has Airmen and the Navy has Sailors. Pence has decided that the members of the Space Force will be called Guardians.  He’s perfectly serious. Stop snickering. It is unknown if their uniform will now include capes and boots up to their knees.

I have a little sympathy because I know it was hard to come up with a name.  After all, Space Cadet was already taken by Trump’s cabinet at any given time.


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0 Comments to “Just FYI”

  1. What about the Guardians of the Coast? The U.S. Coast Guard?

    We called ourselves Coasties, so these new guys must be Spacies!

  2. really weak attempt at distraction from russian hacking news

  3. john in denver says:

    Given that most duties of the Space Force apparently will be taken with computer controls, perhaps they could be Mouse-keteers?

  4. Jere Armen says:

    I laugh. I snicker. I snark.

  5. Cato the Censor says:

    My vote is still for Chairborne Rangers.

  6. Did they ask Steve Miller whether they could use Space Cowboy?

  7. Steve from Beaverton says:

    Maybe like the navy they’ll have their own “blue angels” squadron. Pencee of course will want call them “guardian angels”. I suggest Trumpf’s flying hells angels.

  8. Harry Eagar says:


  9. Spaceballs?

  10. Ted @1, They even made a movie about the Coasties in 2006, called “The Guardian”.

    Our own Coasties had just entered the USCG when the movie came out. The ex went to see the movie and cried inconsolably for hours and hours, spooked by thinking our ‘baby girl’ was diving into this.

    The movie has some dicey parts, the Coast Guard induction basics are tougher than the USMC, then it gets worse like in the movie. They were actually [later/recently] stationed nearby [CGAS Astoria] where parts of the movie were filmed, near ‘Station Cape D’ around where [the toughest of all] final and requal SAR AST and MLB training takes place. If y’all have seen video of the CG lifeboats going upsidedown in awesome Pacific surf you’ve seen part of it [and max helo trng].


    I think that the “Spacies” nic will work, wondering where they’ll be based. San Antonio is lobbying for the Spacie’s HQ, might happen, what with SpaceX’s Spaceport Boca Chica not far away.

  11. Even before this, the Space Force was a joke.

    As so often, I’m announcing yet another meme I’ve got.

    Obama and Biden are grinning at one another.

    Biden: “Hey, you know those phony Space Force plans I left in your desk?”
    Obama: “Yeah?”
    Biden: “He found them.”

  12. Ralph Wiggam says:

    I was pulling for Solar Scouts a la Buck Rogers, but then I’m old enough to remember Buck Rogers.

  13. Guardians of the Galaxy! This administration doesn’t like science but relishes in fiction so let’s have a science fiction nickname.

  14. If we ever join the a Galactic Federation and become their interstellar allies, we should have checked with them first. Although it appears Trump knows something:

    “But Eshed insists that Trump is aware of them, and that he was “on the verge” of disclosing their existence.”


  15. Junior Birdmen?

  16. Jane & PKM says:

    AK Lynne @15, it has been said that 3 things fall out of the sky: bird shit, airborne rangers and the debris of human mistakes. Since Donnie is the biggliest mistake since a facsimile of a man (Fred) failed to wear a condom and Vice Poodle Pence in his day of Gob of IN was a serious proponent of STDs, we should honor them both: Syphilis Cadets.

  17. Elizabeth Moon says:

    Spacer is a perfectly good science fictional term. Soldier, sailor, spacer…

  18. When The Orange Blivet first announced his “Space Force” my mind flashed to
    “Duck Dodgers In The 24th And A Half Century!”

  19. “Spaceballs” comes to mind. I’m also trying to work in a term based on “Galaxy Quest.”

  20. Blue Blaze Irregulars.

    (if you recognize the reference, you need major therapy.)

  21. OK, not Spacies.

    But with the reference to Guardians of the Galaxy, how about “groots?”

    When you first join you’re a boot groot, and go to groot camp, and enter the force as full-fledged brute-groots.

    Well, maybe Spacies is better.

  22. @ slipstream: I hear the Hong Kong Cavaliers are going to do a Zoom concert soon…

  23. Poor soul! This is just about his limited strength on any damn thing! Wonder if now that he is out of office he will resume a radio show he use to have. It wasn’t very nice. Some of you may have even heard it.

  24. “The Geek Patrol”. Spacers (Spacehead) has been in Sci-Fi since I found Heinlein in the ,50’s Boys Life Scout Mag.

  25. Mike must have recalled reading Heinlein’s Revolt in 2100. The ending IIRC is not faith friendly

  26. Sam in Superior says:

    Will the women members be called Guardians or Handmaidens?
