You Can Get a Nosebleed When Your Horse Is That High

February 09, 2015 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Mike Huckabee is filling the crazy void left by Michele Bachmann.  The Republicans have a deep bench in this area.

huckabee-220x220When President Obama suggested that Christians should not finger point when it comes to violence in the name of religion, the rightwing went nuts. The President suggested that Christians should get off their high horse, thinking they are all la-te-da and casting the first stone with sin all over themselves.

Holy cow on a sausage stick.  Mike Huckabee spake thusly ….

Former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee (R) said Monday that Barack Obama’s National Prayer Breakfast speech proved that Muslims are only religious group that has the President’s “undying” support.

“Everything he does is against what Christians stand for, and he’s against the Jews in Israel,” he said on “Fox and Friends.” “The one group of people that can know they have his undying, unfailing support would be the Muslim community. It doesn’t matter whether it’s the radical Muslim community or the more moderate Muslim community.”

And that’s why he killed Osama bin Laden.  Amen.

Wow, Huckabee’s horse is so tall that the angels have to brush his hair.

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0 Comments to “You Can Get a Nosebleed When Your Horse Is That High”

  1. The more someone claims they are a Christian, the less likely that they actually follow the teachings of the carpenter turned rabbi.

  2. shortpeople says:

    I guess the fact that righteous Christians did this to Jesse Washington made their actions so much more acceptable to him.

    Details at

  3. shortpeople says:

    Oh, and BTW, Momma, don’t click on those links. They have some pictures that will curdle buttermilk.

  4. Yeah, righteous Christians who are grinning (youth in lower right corner) with delight at the barbarous spectacle.

  5. It has been interesting watching the radical right’s rabid support of Netanyahu (not of Israel–different things) develop. Netanyahu is now officially a neo-con Republican. They really are looking forward to Armageddon, aren’t they?

    I suspect this may be a very bad thing for Israel in the long run. The U.S. has been a strong supporter for a long time, but if Israel’s leaders decide to join in the partisanship here they may pay a price. I still support Israel, but I do not support their leadership. I believe many other people are starting to shift in their views. I hope there are people in leadership positions in Israel who are rational enough to stop this nonsense, but so far I see no sign of it.

  6. UmptyDump says:

    Okay, Mike, now’s there time for you to approach Ben Netanyahu and offer to wash him in the Blood of the Lamb. After he declines your generous true-faith-based offer, let’s hear what righteous Christian pronouncements you have about him.

  7. Marge Wood says:


  8. Marlene Steenhoek says:

    That organized religion does not speak out against this jerk makes me angry at the “Christian” community. That he lies is a given but the hate he incites with those lies and to make himself look righteous should make every one who says he is a Christian speak out often and loudly. I used to think it was good when a politican was “Christian” – he should have some morals and embrace the attitude of helping his/her fellow man – now it fills me with shame and the more “pious” someone is the less I listen to him/her. Phony from start to finish.

  9. Him never heard of the Xtians of the Inquisition era, especially in Spain, doing an auto de fe? That means show of faith. Basically, the murdered somebody by burning them alive cuz for some reason the victim just didn’t appeal to them. What happened to that Jordanian prisoner was the same dam thing except the only faith those bleepity-bleeps have is in the idea of a caliphate.

  10. Won’t it be telling when the Pope says the very same thing in front of the Kristian Kongress. What happened to “…Cast not the first stone…”. Oh, I forgot these guys never heard of the New Testament.

  11. Conservatives of Huckabee’s stripe have completely confused critical thinking with unthinking criticism.

  12. the huckster would faint if he saw a nude beyonce.

  13. I can’t decide. Is Huckabee really a bigoted idiot, or is he yet another GOP who will say absolutely anything to get the attention of the cameras and microphones? Whether or not he believes what he’s saying, he’s a sleazeball.

    Religion: if you’re pointing fingers, you’re doing it wrong.

    One of Clinton’s big advantages is that she doesn’t have to mouth off crazy to stand out from the (crazy) crowd.

  14. I have been reading the Israeli comments in their news Haaretz. The average citizen doesn’t appear to be on the side of this speech in Congress. Bibi might have screwed up his re-election. The radical right needs to admit that they are not supporters of Israel – but of Bibi. He likes for America to go to war as much as they do.

    On a side note, something tells me that the Huckster has a lot of photos of Beyoncé in his sock drawer, if you know what I mean.

  15. Christians have a religion about Jesus, not the religion of Jesus.

  16. Wa Skeptic says:

    Ghandi said it best.

  17. Shared.

  18. Excellent comments folks!

  19. Mike _uckabee (sorry Momma, that’s the nicest I can be) is nothing but a sounding brass and clanging cymbal religionist. He shows with every utterance that he doesn’t even have a passing acquaintance with Jesus who is called The Christ.

    @ Rhea – The Huckster is the new brand of Southern Baptist. Of course he’s a bigoted idiot. Not that the old brand was not bigoted but most of them were at least not idiots. Arrogant jerks, but not idiots.

  20. e platypus onion says:

    Honeyfuggler Hucksterbee can borrow this quote from dumbass dubya because it is true-This is an impressive crowd — the haves and the have-mores. Some people call you the elites; I call you my base.
    Speech at the Al Smith Dinner for charity (October 20, 2000),

  21. e platypus onion says:

    Cheryl-if Bruce Jenner can change sexes,then Huckabee can become Beyonce,too.

  22. Whaaaattt! Them Baptists need to mix and mingle more with other types besides their sibling rivalry neighbors.

  23. gabberflasted says:

    JJ, nose up your hiney will give you hypoxia. And I do think his brain is starving for oxygen.

  24. Rea got to the heart of Huckster’s problem.
    “If you’re pointing fingers, you’re doing it wrong.”
