Heads Up!

February 10, 2015 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

One of my favorite people, Judge Susan Criss, is on HBO. Seriously.



That’s her in the background from the first episode in a series called The Jinx.  She was the judge in a trial where a millionaire named Robert Durst chopped a guy up and dumped him in Galveston Bay.  I know how the story ends so I won’t spoil it for you but I can guarantee you that it’s worth your time to watch.  She’ll have a speaking role in upcoming episodes.

You can catch the first episode for free on You Tube.  If you don’t have HBO, bake some cookies and then bribe a friend who does.  You won’t be sorry.

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0 Comments to “Heads Up!”

  1. Uh, oh! Got up late and haven’t had my breakfast yet! Chopped victim? Yuck!

  2. SteveTheReturned says:

    The first episode of this mini-series, covering the Galveston murder, is absolutely first-rate. Best line (among many): Durst—scion of a hyper-wealthy NYC real estate family—is asked by Galveston authorities whether he has the money to cover a $250,000 bail. Durst’s deadpan response: “Well…not on me.”

    I have high hopes for this one…..

  3. e platypus onion says:

    If memory serves,Molly Ivins covered this in one of her books so I know how it ends and I won’t spoil it.

  4. I saw this story on an episode of Vanity Fair Confidential on Investigation Discovery. Quite a story.
    I know the end, too. I won’t spoil it either.

  5. Braxton Braggart says:

    Strictly speaking, he didn’t “chop up” Morris Black. He used a bow saw.

  6. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Move over Judge Ito, Judge Criss needs your spot on SNL. Doubt that I’ll have the time to more than scan through the HBO material, so will wait for Jon Stewart to skewer her.

    Dancing Itos, meet the Flying Criss.

  7. Nice picture. Would make an interesting painting. Y’all are making me want a working TV. Oh. Youtube. I gots Youtube.

  8. Wish I had HBO for this one! I frequently drive past the CVS drugstore where Durst was recently arrested for whipping it out and peeing on the candy display. Can’t bring myself to go in there and buy anything, although I’m sure they’ve cleaned it thoroughly……

  9. Elizabeth Moon says:

    Well, shoot. Youtube wants me to sign in with email & password for a Google account and prove my age to watch it.

    Can live without that. Got things to do.
