You Broke It, You Bought It

August 18, 2015 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Y’all, I almost feel guilty for enjoying the GOP’s descent into the hell of their own making.  I said almost.  No, even that’s a lie.  I’m enjoying the hell outta it.

They pandered to the Tea Party and now they are owned by them.  Too bad.  So sad.

Now comes the birthers. After claiming that Hawaii is not part of the United States and that Kenya sent Baby Barack there anyway so no one would notice, the chickens have come home to roost and they are Chicken Littles.

The sky is falling with people who cannot be president because …. oh hell, who knows.

They are contending that Mario Rubio, Ted Cruz, Bobby Jindal, and Rick Santorum are ineligible to be president because they are not natural born citizens.

There’s where we part ways because I contend that they are ineligible because they are idiots.

But I will take them where I can get them, so consider me part of the birther movement now.

Isn’t there some sort of Constitutional tests for toupees?

They are coming down hardest on Cruz.

“Details have been emerging which highly suggest that both Ted Cruz’s parents had become Canadian citizens prior to his birth. According to past public statements made by his father, legal opinions and documentation currently available, Rafael (Ted) Cruz was likely born of 2 Canadian citizens in Calgary back in December of 1970.

Under public pressure regarding a possible run for President of the United States, Cruz did release his Canadian certificate of birth. Since the certificate only lists his parents place of birth and not their citizenship status, it has just merely been assumed that his mother retained her US citizenship since her birth. It was not until May of 2014 that Senator Cruz filed the legal paperwork necessary to officially denounce his Canadian citizenship which was automatic at birth.”

So what we have here is a dandy happening.

– He has no country (having renounced his Canadian citizenship)
– He can’t be a Senator (not a citizen)
– He can’t run for President
– He’s here illegally!

Somebody!  Quick!  Build a wall around his butt!

Maybe he can become a Dreamer?

Thanks to Alan in Austin for the heads up and the Dreamer idea.

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