You Broke It, You Bought It

August 18, 2015 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Y’all, I almost feel guilty for enjoying the GOP’s descent into the hell of their own making.  I said almost.  No, even that’s a lie.  I’m enjoying the hell outta it.

They pandered to the Tea Party and now they are owned by them.  Too bad.  So sad.

Now comes the birthers. After claiming that Hawaii is not part of the United States and that Kenya sent Baby Barack there anyway so no one would notice, the chickens have come home to roost and they are Chicken Littles.

The sky is falling with people who cannot be president because …. oh hell, who knows.

They are contending that Mario Rubio, Ted Cruz, Bobby Jindal, and Rick Santorum are ineligible to be president because they are not natural born citizens.

There’s where we part ways because I contend that they are ineligible because they are idiots.

But I will take them where I can get them, so consider me part of the birther movement now.

Isn’t there some sort of Constitutional tests for toupees?

They are coming down hardest on Cruz.

“Details have been emerging which highly suggest that both Ted Cruz’s parents had become Canadian citizens prior to his birth. According to past public statements made by his father, legal opinions and documentation currently available, Rafael (Ted) Cruz was likely born of 2 Canadian citizens in Calgary back in December of 1970.

Under public pressure regarding a possible run for President of the United States, Cruz did release his Canadian certificate of birth. Since the certificate only lists his parents place of birth and not their citizenship status, it has just merely been assumed that his mother retained her US citizenship since her birth. It was not until May of 2014 that Senator Cruz filed the legal paperwork necessary to officially denounce his Canadian citizenship which was automatic at birth.”

So what we have here is a dandy happening.

– He has no country (having renounced his Canadian citizenship)
– He can’t be a Senator (not a citizen)
– He can’t run for President
– He’s here illegally!

Somebody!  Quick!  Build a wall around his butt!

Maybe he can become a Dreamer?

Thanks to Alan in Austin for the heads up and the Dreamer idea.

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0 Comments to “You Broke It, You Bought It”

  1. Illegible? They’re mostly incoherent, but that’s a feature, not a bug.

    As for their eligibility to be president, well, SarahProudAndTall [.com]has another skewering up of all things Trumpish (though the content is humor/satire).

  2. Juanita Jean says:

    Eyesores, I Just caught that. The Typo Queen strikes again.

  3. Marion (formerly known as MM) says:

    I’m in favor. You know I’m 1000% in favor of having a different senator. And don’t want him as president either. Let him go back to Kenya. If they’ll take him.

  4. Corinne Sabo says:

    Send him back to Cuba.

  5. Cruz would be more of a nightmarer.

    The Tea Party is sort of the herpes of the GOP. The GOP caught it through unsafe political behavior and now can’t get rid of it.

  6. And it’s starting to itch and form sores.

  7. And it’s more like syphilis, which if untreated leads to insanity. And then death, we can hope.

  8. Sadly there’s nothing in the constitution that prohibits an idiot from being president. If there had been, Dubya would have been disqualified.

  9. Aggieland Liz says:

    It certainly seems to spread readily; the most common vector seems to be F-x Noise…

  10. Which tickles some strange part of my brain. Trump married a gal of Eastern European extraction. Was she a citizen before she said I do? I bet Trump thinks that just by marrying him, an American citizen, that she is covered. Anybody want to look into that is just fine by me. My dad was an immigrant who married my 1st generation American mother and he still had to swear citizenship.

  11. Mary Beth says:

    Pass that gander sauce if you please.

    My guess is that the tea-folks looked at skin color on the chosen 4 and noticed it wasn’t pasty white, ergo foreigners.


  12. AlanInAustin says:

    I’m wondering if Ted’s musing about “anchor babies” will now have a different tone given that he has two of his own. B^)

  13. PattiCakes says:

    Maggie… my German born friend who married her American husband, was on a green card for 40 years before swearing on her honor to be a citizen. Their daughter married a French man, who had to prove their marriage was not of convenience for citizenship, had to swear on his honor, too. Don’t even get me started on my Tunisian friends and their citizenship headaches since 9/11. Mrs. Trump definitely had to do her probationary time prior to swearing on her honor… it she has indeed done so. Trump’s an ignoramus.

  14. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Someone call T-Rump. The Birthers are on the Y’all Qaeda Express to Texas.

  15. I’m starting to internalize the idea that The Donald is going to be the nominee to run against our team, Bernie, or Hill or whoever, any of whom will be a far superior choice than anything the Rs can suck up out of their cesspool to occupy the red side of the ballot.

    Unthinkable? I’d remind all you skeptics that not only did they nominate George W Bush, but he came close enough of winning for the Supremes to install him Commander-in-Chief. And we had HIM for 8 years. And Donald is a LOT smarter than dubya, donchaknow. Just ask him. He’s VERY smart, not like that loser dubya and his brother. It’s YOOOOGE.

    Not only that, but should all of the blue team decamp to the Bahamas before election day, and we end up with someone from the R side in the Oval Office, the Donald would be a dang sight better a president than any of the other goofballs that are running for office this time around. We’d save a lot of money on Air Force One, and he’d be a lot more entertaining than any of the other 16 contenders.

  16. Hollyanna says:

    Presented for your consideration…a band of bloviating, bigoted, blivets–each one more bizarre than the last–all aspiring to lead the GOP effort to recapture the White House. If your flesh isn’t crawling by now, you may already be residing in The Twilight Zone.

  17. lunargent says:

    Okay, only skimmed the referenced article, because Teal Deer – life is too short. But it struck me that all these Constitutional Experts’ knowledge screeches to a halt before the 14th Amendment, which in very clear, deliberate language, establishes citizenship for any person born in the US.

    This is especially relevant in the light of Trump’s latest genius idea; to deport all 11 million “illegals” and their entire families, including American-born children. The stupidity of this scheme is exceeded only by its unconstitutionality. But except for Carly Fiorina, and to a lesser extent Chris Christie, none of his fellow clown car passengers seem to find much wrong with the idea.

    And how damned disturbing is it that the former company CEO apparently knows more about the law than all the bozoes who’ve actually worked as lawmakers?? Terrifying.

  18. Jack, Jack, Jack baby, you haven’t completed your homework. I have it on good authority (comment section over at Red States or better) that half or more of the remaining thirteen are cesarean deliveries or induced labor. Then there’s Ben Carson who delivered hisself. “Natural born”, I don’t think so!

  19. So if he’s a man without a country, and has been participating in the electoral process, then he’s also been committing voter fraud (oh be still my heart, this may be too delicious to be true)

  20. OMG! This post has the funniest comments section ever! This one is perhaps the best:

    “The Tea Party is sort of the herpes of the GOP. The GOP caught it through unsafe political behavior and now can’t get rid of it.”

    Several had me guffawing and the people near me in this coffee shop readjusted their posture to shield their children – just in case my spasms were a prelude to something more frightening. For all that, let me simply say, “Thank you, from the heat of Raphael Cruz’s fenced in bottom.”

  21. Debbo, I agree with you about that one.
