Yoo Hoo! Rick! Shuddup, Jerk!

July 18, 2012 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Texas Governor Rick Perry is stomping his little feet again.

He is demanding that President Barack Obama apologize to Rick Perry personally for something that U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder said about Texas, not specifically about Governor Rick Perry.  If this sounds like a soap opera, that’s because it is.

I would like for Governor Rick Perry to apologize to me personally for something tacky the Republican Precinct Chairman in my precinct said about Thelma’s new leopard print sequin bedazzled stretch pants, but that ain’t gonna happen either.

Eric Holder said that the Voter ID bill in Texas is a poll tax.  News flash:  he ain’t the only one saying that.  Hell, Rick, I’m saying that and you ain’t getting no damn apology from me either.  If I have to pay $22 for a copy of my birth certificate in order to get an allowable ID to vote, that right there is what we call a damn poll tax.

And Rick Perry runs with scissors a little more

[Texas lawyer John] Hughes offered a semi-defense of literacy tests after one judge said that the reason literacy tests were racist years ago was because of inequalities in the education system. The judge asked if it was Texas’ theory that there would be a problem with literacy tests today. Setting aside other laws banning literacy tests and poll taxes, Hughes said he did not believe a literacy test would violate Section 5 of the Voting Rights Act.

When the State of Texas is arguing that it can charge someone $22 and give them a literary test to vote, it is not President Obama who should be apologizing.

But it appears to be Rick Perry’s job to stand on the mountaintop and shout Glory Hallelujah when Texas does something insanely unAmerican.  And you have to hand it to him, he’s doing it very well.

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0 Comments to “Yoo Hoo! Rick! Shuddup, Jerk!”

  1. The internet gods agree with you!
    When I clicked on ‘stomping his feet’ above, I got a ‘fatal error message’.

    It must be hotter in texas then anywhere else.
    Good God, Bush and his sick “they liked me more before they hated me”. speech and now perry.

  2. There are still huge inequalities in the educational systems in place, for sure here in Texas but elsewhere. Think about this: “School to Prison Pipeline.” Third grade reading scores are used to estimate the number of prison beds that will be filled 10 or so years down the line. And it isn’t so much a race or cultural issue as it is one of poverty.

  3. Sam in Kyle says:

    How about this? We Democrats will take a literacy test if Republicans will too. Not on the BS that FOX, David Barton, and Glen Beck spew, but on the real meanings of the Constitution and the history of America. Let’s see who wins that one (hint, it won’t be Perry, Dewhurst, Cruz, Abbott or any of the other loony TEA Partiers).

  4. I am old enough to have paid a “registration fee” the first year I was eligible to vote (1965) in Texas. The Old South has been burning about civil rights since Reconstruction. It’s part and parcel of the overall GOP plan to roll the United States’ system back to what it was before the Bill of Rights (maybe even the Constitution — I can’t wrap my poor little mind around the enormity of it all) was adopted.

  5. What is it with the Republicans and all this “apologizing” crap lately? Mitt Romney says President Obama owes him an apology for beating him upside the head with a Bain Hammer, now Governor Poopy Pants wants the AG to apologize for calling the voter ID law exactly what it is…what a bunch of sissies.

  6. This is somewhat off-topic, though it is about incredible right-wing stupidity (and it’s very funny): http://tpmdc.talkingpointsmemo.com/2012/07/connie-schultz-sherrod-brown-reporter-email.php?ref=fpnewsfeed

  7. Talk about a GOP apology tour . . . .

    First Mittens, now his dumber, third half cousin Rick wants the President to lick him like a newborn kitten and ask forgiveness. Ain’t gonna happen but the high pitched whining is kind of funny.

  8. A literacy test these days would probably be a good thing. Folks that repetedly vote for the likes of Goodhair, Gohmert, Barton, Paul and Neugebauer undoubtably would not do well. Once the ignorance is revealed and they are denied the right to vote, these same folks might be encouraged to study actual, real history so that maybe they could pass the test in time for the next election.

    By that time we would have plenty of time to run the Crazy-R-Us politicians out of state on a rail.

  9. Cheryl Ann says:

    If the literacy tests includes a spelling test, the TEA people will never vote.
    I’m still working on spell check for poster board for them.

  10. Let’s start with a literacy test for the candidates, to work out the kinks in the system.

  11. Goodhair is worried that telling minorities that you are stealing their votes and denying their right to vote may cause racial tensions http://tpmmuckraker.talkingpointsmemo.com/2012/07/rick_perry_eric_holders_voter_id_comments_incite_r.php?ref=fpnewsfeed Gee, I would be upset also if I knew that my governor and the republican members of the Texas legis were out to steal the vote from me.

  12. I was up near Dallas this week and read this in the Dallas Morning News.


    And the letters to the editor on “What to do about Rick Perry” brought nothing but complaints and shame.

  13. We seem to be forgettin’ that the problem with the literacy test was in the judgin’ (which will prove to be the problem with photo ID’s before the next election cycle is over.)

  14. I know about the history of “literacy tests” for voting, but it is so tempting….

    Saddam Hussein had WMDs True/False

    Barack Obama was born in Kenya True/False

    The world was created thousands of years ago True/False

    Climate change is a hoax conspiracy by egghead scientists and Al Gore to destroy the American economy

    Nearly half the legislators supposed to be running the country should take orders Karl Rove whom no one has elected to anything
