Yo! Sarah!
Y’all, anytime I get to talk about Sarah Palin is a good time.
She finally admitted that she had not actually read the interview with the Duck Dynasty dude before she defended it.
Really? Sarah Palin not read? Add that to my Shocked, Shocked I Tell You list.
According to Palin’s reasoning, she didn’t have to read the interview to defend Robertson in the first place because the substance of his comments didn’t matter. He was invoking the Bible, she said, so his critics are actually taking issue with Scripture itself.
Sarah claims that even though Duck Dude spoke out against homosexuals …
“… he has said over and over again he doesn’t hate the person engaging in a lifestyle he disagrees with.”
I dunno. While the rightwing seems holds the patent on hating people, I kinda think Duck Dude hates them.