Yes, Actually, It Could Indeed Be Worse

June 07, 2018 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Oh, y’all.  I hate to tell you this but …

Fox News host Jeanine Pirro, who regularly launches crazed, conspiratorial rants in defense of President Donald Trump, has been lobbying the president and his staff for the job of America’s top law enforcement officer.

Politico reports that Pirro has “repeatedly told Trump’s aides and advisers over the last 18 months that she’s interested in taking over” for Attorney General Jeff Sessions in running the Department of Justice.

“Judge” Jeanine is so pro-Trump that even Fox News is embarrassed by her.

I put Judge in quotation marks because she hasn’t been a judge since 1991.  Since that time, she unsuccessfully ran against Hillary Clinton for Senate, been the subject of a federal investigation, and rode OJ Simpson’s back to media fame.

This woman does porn with a briefcase.

And it just got worse.

… the New York Times’ Maggie Haberman has revealed that Trump ordered current Attorney General Jeff Sessions to interview Pirro for the job of deputy attorney general, which is a position currently held by Rod Rosenstein.

Thanks to SGray for the heads up.

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0 Comments to “Yes, Actually, It Could Indeed Be Worse”

  1. Charles R Phillips says:

    OH. MY. DOG!

  2. Jane & PKM says:

    Jeff Sessions deserves to be punished for his racist policies. However, placing Pirro in the building exceeds all conventions regarding cruel and unusual punishment. That voice …

  3. Oh jeez louise, and it is only Thursday! What fresh hell will the weekend news dump bring?

  4. Buttermilk Sky says:

    It could be STILL worse — Pirro-maniac wants to be on the Supreme Court.

  5. Jane & PKM says:

    Buttermilk Sky, points! Pirro-maniac. So many places we could go with your astute analogy. The snacilbupeR will swallow anything Donnie does to gain control of our courts. Crazy? Meh.

    But Donnie isn’t to blame for everything. His enablers like *itch McConnell and Lyin’ Ryan know better, despite whatever pretenses they present to the contrary. Rudy G and the rest of the st00pid should really reconsider any critiques they have of Stormy Daniels. Unfortunately our juvenile members of a titillated media cannot or will not address the privileged white boy who learned nothing at Wharton from the lady who has amazing linguistic skills.

    The reading list test: I really don’t care to investigate what Donnie doesn’t read with his 144 character limited ‘intelligence.’ Whereas Ms. Daniels is intriguing. She speaks both succinctly and intelligently. She is a successful business woman with no bankruptcies. She may or may not have attended Wharton, but she is certainly well educated. Her reading list is something I’d be willing to explore and pass on to my sons.

  6. The next president will be expelling Trumpists from office the way I scrape dog mess off the sole of my shoe. And for the same reason.

  7. Lunargent says:

    OMG – the thought of a Pirro confirmation hearing carries all the fascination and horror of a slow-motion train wreck.

    Every time I see that creature in TV, all I can think is; “I wonder what percentage of blood she has in her alcohol stream?”

  8. Jane & PKM says:

    Lunargent, mere alcohol wouldn’t account for Pirro. It’s more likely that the absence of the appropriate drugs in her bloodstream allow her to free float above and beyond reality. Compassion would indicate that she deserves appropriate medical attention, while mercy would be in a place where the rest of us are not subjected to her bleeping cra cra.

    Rhea, President Obama was outstanding and stepped up to the plate to repair the Bush2 damage. Whoever follows Dotard45 will need to be one paragon of a public servant. Probably a woman and a former prosecutor to undo the Drumpf maladministration’s damage. Enough already with the crazy old white privileged dudes. This fixing needs a woman’s touch.

  9. maryelle says:

    Mmm, sounds like a job for Sally Yates, former Deputy Attorney General and shoe scraper.

  10. eyesoars says:

    Apparently, the GOP rolls with “… but I play one on TV, so I’m qualified to do it in real life…”

    Meanwhile, actual qualifications for real jobs are disqualifying.

    Can I move to a sane universe?

  11. Maryelle, I like Sally Yates. I like that California senator whose name escapes me at the moment. Not Feinstein. It’s on the tip of my tongue. She was a city or county prosecutor prior to the Senate.

    KAMALA HARRIS!! I remembered! (Sorry to get so excited.) She’s really sharp. On the judiciary committee her hearing questions of various idiotic GOP nominees slash fine lines all across their stupidity.

  12. I take seriously the White House heavy move to get rid of anyone at the tippy top of the DOJ. It won’t be Sessions who runs the interview. It will be one of his subs. And whoever it is, I pity him/her. The results of the interview won’t go well in any way, shape or form. And the interviewer may be demoted or fired no matter the recommendation.

  13. My understanding is that she still owes money from her senatorial campaign, and will have to clear that up before she can be confirmed for anything. Hope they tack on the interest.

  14. maryelle says:

    This woman sounds like a female version of Dump. She stiffs her creditors, expounds her opinions on subjects of which she is poorly informed and has a mouth that won’t quit.
