June 25, 2015 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized



UPDATE:  The best part of all this is that Americans will get health care.  The second best part of this is that makes Antonin Scalia seethe.

He literally lost his mind and said, “The Court’s next bit of interpretive jiggery-pokery…”  That’s a word?  jiggery-pokery?  So, I looked it up.

Screen Shot 2015-06-25 at 10.00.24 AM


It’s a British word.  I knew he wanted to take the United States backward, but all the way to 1774?

To see other fun things he said, try this.

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0 Comments to “Yes! UPDATED”

  1. dbtexas says:

    Perhaps Chief Justice Roberts has real human qualities after all! Still a lot of work to do, reigning in the health insurance industry.

  2. Kay Carrasco says:

    Yesssss!!! {fist pump} Lookinpg forward to reading more about who voted how. So happy!

  3. Coprolite says:


  4. maryelle says:

    Halleluia! It seems Roberts and Kennedy saw the light and voted with the Progressive Four. What a relief! Now for equal rights. Hope those two don’t pull back on this one.

  5. Marcia in CO says:

    Hooray for those who rely on the ACA!! I still wish they would make it into a single payer option = Medicare for All – from birth to death!!

    Oh, RWNJ heads will be exploding for sure!! But they still have Benghazi, don’t they?!?

  6. I can keep my health insurance. Hurray!
    Fair Housing law upheld too. A good day – so far.

  7. All this means is that the Tea Party and ultraconservatives in Congress will attempt to repeal the PPACA now for the 54th thru 79th times before President Obama leaves office.

    Now, what will tomorrow bring? Will we see miracles again from the SCOTUS in the form of LGBT rights?

  8. thank the Goddess

  9. W. C. (Pete) Peterson says:

    Wow! I was right (for a change) I figured the Insurance Industry would ‘convince’ Roberts that overturning subsidies would take a huge revenue stream away from the Insurance Companies. And since Republicans always do the bidding of their Corporate masters, the subsidies had to stand.
    Now, if Single-Payer health Insurance — Medicare For All — were to be enacted, you can bet that Roberts and his henchmen would be adamantly against that idea because the Insurance Companies would lose a lot of free money.

  10. Uncle Dave says:

    And an enormous gaggle of GOP office holders and candidates are breathing sighs of relief.

  11. The GOPers are crying crocodile tears over this one while secretly saying, “That was a close one! We would have had to actually do something.”

  12. I am surprised. The fact that the Court agreed to take such a lame case seemed to me a sign of bad faith on its part and I figured the konservatives intended to use it as a pretext to kill the ACA.

    This is the Chevron Test, a legal precedent:

    “In Chevron U.S.A., Inc. v. Natural Resources Defense Council, Inc. the Supreme Court ruled that the U.S Congress may delegate regulatory authority to an agency [the IRS for the ACA], and that the agency’s regulations carry the weight of the law, if the regulations pass the two part “Chevron test”.[22]

    (1) “First, always, is the question whether Congress has directly spoken to the precise question at issue. If the intent of Congress is clear, that is the end of the matter; for the court as well as the agency must give effect to the unambiguously expressed intent of Congress.”

    “If the Court determines Congress has not directly addressed the precise question at issue, the court does not simply impose its own construction of the statute . . . Rather,

    (2) [I]f the statute is silent or ambiguous with respect to the specific question, the issue for the court is whether the agency’s answer is based on a permissible construction of the statute.” Chevron U.S.A. v. NRDC, 467 U.S. 837, 842–843 (1984).”

    Clearly the intent of Congress was clear about subsidies and the IRS application of the rules was also clear; that should have been the end of the matter.

  13. Annabelle Lee says:

    The opinions are an interesting read. Scalia is his usual petulant self, but the others are pretty good.

    So now there’s a conspiracy theory out there that Obama is blackmailing Roberts because Roberts’ children were brought into the country illegally. I can’t give any more detail than that, because I refuse to give those sites any clicks if I can help it.

  14. C’mon folk, the Teajadists would simply have taken the text of the ACA and while the left hand performed distractive motions, the right hand would have renamed the text TeajadistCare. Then they would have formed a group put on their best “my hemorrhoids are acting up” look on their faces and said viola we have a brand new Koch-approved plan for insuring Humericans. Then they would have proceed to break their arms patting themselves on the back while blaspheming ObamaCare as bad. Then off to the bars for some celebratory Everclear shots and a line or two.

  15. Comment from article JJ linked to:

    I was working the polls in 2012 for Obama and an older lady said to me that she had always voted Democratic but this year she was voting Republican. I looked at her quizzically, as we are not really supposed to say anything political to sway people entering the polls. But that didn’t stop me from blurting out “Who do you want selecting the next Supreme Court justices?” She stopped, turned around and looked at me and smiled. “I think I just changed my mind.”

  16. “John Roberts has DEFINITELY earned a Republican primary challenge this time.”


  17. Elise Von Holten says:

    Poor (dis) Honorable Scalia, he doesn’t understand words. American English is a growing vibrant thing, inclusive of many cultures, just like America.
    Since he needs something to describe his feelings, I offer some future words, instead of words from the past…
    He and the other 1% have been sheltered from the rain for too long. The tsunami’s that a large percentage of people face from racism, sickness, job loss, seeking an education…it is horrific.
    Here’s to a better future.

  18. Old Fart says:

    Here’s to protecting the hopes and wishes of MILLIONS of USers.

    Now, if the Repubs are able to come to the table with a comprehensive and concrete (ie, is printed on papers readable by anyone that wish to try), we can debate better options (like universal healthcare).

  19. Even though the SCOTUS has weighed in and has refused to kill Obamacare, the 2016 GOP/TP presidential candidates and their enablers in Congress are still vowing to destroy Obamacare. Boy, are they some stupid individuals! Sooner or later, I hope more Americans become aware of the way they’re misusing our tax money to pursue nonsense. I’m expecting to read next week that the House plans another vote to repeal Obamacare, they’re just this stupid and out of touch.

  20. Annabelle Lee says:

    Here’s the text of a comment on another site re: this decision:

    “The only remaining question is whether Roberts was a stealth appointment, i.e. a pretend conservative who revealed his true colors when it really counted, or if he was somehow compromised by this evil administration.”

    Oh, the tears of RWNJs sustain me. So delicious.

  21. Yeeeeeehaawwwww!!! Must go now. Do happy dance in back yard!

  22. Scalia’s coffee must have tasted very bitter this morning, as I’m sure his whine does this evening.

  23. So Scalia is now saying that Supreme Court rulings are not the law of the land? Odd. He certainly never even hinted at that when the rulings went his way.

  24. I’d prefer Medicare for All a/k/a single payer, or the Dutch system of combined public and private health insurance. However, for now, I’ll settle for Scalia having a stroke from thinking too hard.
