Welcome to Bosque County

June 24, 2015 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

I wanna welcome y’all to Bosque County, Texas.  Bosque County is 1,000 square miles on the Edwards Plateau between Waco and Comanche.  The population is 18,000 people and 36,000 goats.  They are so far out in the country that they don’t get the Today show until tomorrow.

The county commissioner’s court, which decides how all the county’s tax money is spent looks like this.

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And here’s the man who presides over commissioner’s court, the county judge.

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And here’s the sheriff.

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And the above are the pictures I show folks who want to know why the hell Bosque County needs an armored vehicle like this.  (More pictures here.)



So if any rambunctious goat herders show up, Bosque is ready!

Too damn many white boys and not near enough goats.

Thanks to Richard for the heads up.

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0 Comments to “Welcome to Bosque County”

  1. Those boys didn’t have enough trucks to play with when they were kids, but I don’t see why taxpayers should make it up to them.

  2. Bunny humphrey says:

    And 4 out of the 6 need to change their names if they want to be taken seriously.

  3. not stupid says:

    That is what happen when you vote stupid.

  4. Wa Skeptic says:

    They didn’t have any hungry children or public schools to take care of?

  5. i they can’t see what a damn joke this is? Wow! Yeah, wow. Damn inbreeding!

  6. James Pirtle says:

    Still suffering from the heat burst of 1960 and the loss of Steven Fromholz. In fact, we are all still missing Steven.

  7. Corinne Sabo says:

    Scary. Remind me to stay out of Bosque.

  8. They are ready for Jade Helm and Obama to just try and take their guns and make them marry gays!

  9. Hey, when them goats get guns, them white boys are going to need all the help they can get. A gun toting billy is a terrible thing to cross. That armoured vehicle was sold as “goat proof” doncha know?

  10. e platypus onion says:

    All them goats would make a snack out of ordinary sheet metal on trucks. Goats would need the “jaws of life” to penetrate armored steel plus kevlar teeth and gums to chew it.

  11. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    James Pirtle, historically and musically Steven Fromholz was a good man. No way some cowardly gun humper can ever challenge his creds.

    While there are many issues that need to come into the discussion before we reach gun “sanity,” it’s time we sane folks frame the gun ‘debate.’

    #1 There are no ‘accidents,’ if people who wish to possess firearms are given basic instruction in safety. Yeah, “hello GOP” time you step up as the party of personal responsibility by accepting both reality and responsibility for your insane pandering to the NRA.

    #2 Escalation has never been a sane policy. Militarizing LE is not a sane policy for community policing, nor will it make life on the streets safer for LE.

    #3 Training, training, training. Those who wish to arm themselves do have certain 2A rights. However, with every right comes responsibility. As the NRA stands now, they fail two sniff tests: responsibility and more seriously their complete idiotic complicity in yelling fire in the theater under the First Amendment.

    I’m a rancher and for obvious reasons protect my family from wild hogs. However, my “rights” should end the very second I choose to leave my property to do something Bundy.

    Seriously, if I were to suffer a brain injury either falling from a horse or playing baseball, there needs to be a means of taking weapons out of my hands, until i can prove I am both capable of storing said weapons safely and using them responsibly.

    In short, there are no ‘smart’ accidents. The gun humpers are all about accidents, st00pid accidents.

    Good article by Tom Hastings that breaches the surface of what I am miserably failing to say: http://www.counterpunch.org/2015/06/24/ending-gun-violence/

    Hard family decision, when we have to take away Gramp’s car keys. But it’s also the day we need to take Gramp’s guns away, too.

    And, not to be an ageist or some whacked distortion of GOP “reality,” we need realistic background checks, as a minimum. Gramps and his grandson/granddaughter need to pass minimum background checks and qualify for the privilege of gun ownership. We get tested to drive a car; we have insurance, too. Would it be too much of a burden to extend the same to gun safety?

    To help families making these hard decisions, if there’s a 5-7 day waiting period to purchase a gun, what harm would it be to listen to family members who know best and allow a 30 – 45 day court investigation, when a family member slips the rails?

  12. @e platypus onion
    I used FD’s jaws of life to cut up a 3 series BMW looking for cocaine one night. The owner was jumping up and down about his motor car being cut up but wouldn’t roll on the cocaine. I was just about to begin plan B when I hit the stash. Thank goodness too cause that Bimmer woulda equaled a third of our budge.

    I used to teach brand spanking new police how to survive gun fights on the street, things like keeping the police car motor between them and the shooter etc. But I started class out with this statement “Your best scheme for survival on the street is a life long commitment to avoidance, deterrence, and de-escalation.”

  13. PKM, my sentiments exactly! I’m waiting for the insurance companies to realize they could make a pile of money on gun insurance so they’ll lobby to make that happen, too. One more obstacle, but one more safeguard, too.

  14. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Micr, my friend, “Your best scheme for survival on the street is a life long commitment to avoidance, deterrence, and de-escalation.”

    According to my father and grandfather, that works for the military, too. As you, they were also correct. Worked just fine for me, as well.

    Love my brilliant & beautiful wife; her philosophy, misunderstanding with a neighbor, bake bread, cookies or bring flowers. Punching in the nose is counter productive under any circumstances. That’s a “d’uh.” Oh yeah, Dubya, Cheney and Rummy, there’s nothing that says neighborhood welcome wagon like ‘shock and awe.’

    Some days, we deserve a rest from GOP Free-Dumb dumb. A decade or two would be nice.

    djw, we can do this. The NRA gun humpers can keep their guns with the same modicum of responsibility required to own/maintain and drive a car. We’re not asking much. Just the same freedom to shop without some irresponsible clown racing through the parking lot with a vehicular weapon. I just do not get the ammosexuals whining for their ‘rights’ to assault weapons and lazy ammo clips, when their “accidental” record is anything but responsible.

  15. Mah Fellow Murkuhn says:

    The link to other pictures is puzzling. The other pictures are of the Kosse fire department trucks, and Kosse is not in Bosque County. It’s in Limestone County, a few counties away from Bosque. Kosse’s main claim to fame is being the birthplace of Bob Wills, and not much else has ever happened there. But it is about as white as any place in Bosque County, I never saw anyone of color there.

  16. PKM, I looked at your Tom Hastings article, but he lost me when his Step One was “Repeal the Second Amendment.” Yup, we’ll get that done right after I flap my arms and fly to the moon.

  17. In cases like this it can be difficult to tell the guys from the goats. I suspect the goats are smarter.

  18. “Too damn many white boys and not near enough goats.”

    my guess is that the goats would be perfectly happy (and not scared for their honor every night!) with a hell of a lot fewer white boys around.

  19. UmptyDump says:

    It will be just fabulous when they drive the Sherrif’s Armored Vehicle in the Fourth of July Parade to show the taxpayers how their money is being put to work. Hey! Maybe all the open-carry ammosexuals can do a public service by taking potshots at it … test the armor plating, you know. It calls to mind visions of the Deathmobile providing the grand finale to the parade at the end of the “Animal House” movie. In fact, cantcha just see the dearly departed John Belushi in uniform, cowboy hat and carrying a sidearm, dressed up as a Bosque County deputy? (Okay – enough – starting tomorrow I promise to stop slugging down that first drink before breakfast,)

  20. UmptyDump says:

    Should be sheriff. Told ya – that first drink is always a doozy.

  21. Uncle Dave says:

    Seriously? Think of the beer you could ice down in that sucker. I am surprised there is not a picture showing the outside frosted over.

  22. Harry Booker says:

    Need more goats? Looks to me these are a bunch of ‘old goats’.

  23. Joe Gibson says:

    Do those good ppl boys have any Army Surplus the U.S. govnmnt is handing out?

  24. Joe Gibson says:

    Tanks Tanks handed out

  25. W. C. (Pete) Peterson says:

    It seems to me that the insurance industry would be able to help control the number of guns on the street and the qualifications of those using them. Like cars, the government simply needs to mandate “Gun Owner’s Liability Insurance”, which would require state registration of the guns and license for the owner, and the ammosexuals can have as many gums as their little black hearts would desire. Like cars, the insurance companies would create different rates for type of gun and how it’s used and where it’s stored. And, as long as the ammosexual comes up with the premiums, they’re golden. It no longer would be a societal decision, but an economic one.

  26. Deb Gray says:

    They are sooo ready for Jade Helm.
