Yeah, We Saw That Coming

October 05, 2018 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized



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0 Comments to “Yeah, We Saw That Coming”

  1. Boy, ain’t that the truth. I am so tired of Jeff Flake’s “anguished” countenance. Underneath all that faux concern there is still a staunch Republican who will fall in line with the herd.

  2. Seems like Manchin was the one that put him over the top.

  3. I fell a bit betrayed, I thought Flake got it. He was not really concerned just a show.

  4. Jane & PKM says:

    Jeff Flake isn’t the only coward in the southwest. Dean Heller is in a close race for his seat which hopefully he will lose if he panders to Donnie with yet another yes vote.

    It was cloture by narrow margin. Hope remains on the balance of those Senators who “vote yes, before they vote no.” We continue to contact Heller, but the odds of him growing a spine in 30 hours isn’t likely. If Manchin buckles to Donnie on the final vote, is there a personal hell that can be created sufficient to his crime?

  5. Flake is just another morally bankrupt GOP suit. May there be a huge turn out of female voters who vote these b@$t@rds (I hope Momma doesn’t know code) out in November.

  6. On the other hand, prospective GOP interns now know how to behave on their job interviews. Lie, shout, shed a tear, and lie some more.

  7. There is no such thing as a “good Republican”, at least not in Congress. They may speak against what their party or Donnie is doing, but in the end they all vote in lockstep. It’s just a show.

  8. okie-dokie says:

    I have a HUGE problem when someone says “both sides” do it. (Hat tip to Driftglass over at proleft podcast.) Democrats generally respect and will listen to women. Quite a few are women. Actual women, not some gender quisling. Republicans just don’t care about women.

    If a rich douche abuses a woman, according to Republican doctrine, who really knows what happened?

    Is there anything redeeming about Republicans? Anything?

  9. Charles R Phillips says:

    I’d like to add something, but I’m pretty sure all that I’ve been thinking and all that I’ve been feeling has already been said here.

    Except maybe this: this election coming up, this “blue wave,” let it not be in vain, and just the first of many.

  10. Charles R., I have been getting stuff over the internet all morning about tRump predicting a big red wave. He literally does not understand how pissed off women are. And I mean women beyond political boundaries. Its a rare one of us that has not been harassed or assaulted in a lifetime and left to fend for ourselves in dealing with all that **ap.

  11. That Other Jean says:

    This is just standard operating procedure for Jeff Flake. He talks the talk, waffles around for a bit, then votes for the Republican, EVERY. DAMN. TIME. He is not to be trusted, about anything; in other words, he’s a Republican.

  12. Jane & PKM says:

    maggie, the pollsters are polling the women who are outraged with their treatment at the hands of old goats like G_assley and his ilk. That’s a good thing. Let the GOP be ambushed by the number of men who love their wives, mothers, sisters, aunts, grandmothers, cousins and all women. Let them prepare for a wave and be hit by a tsunami. Vote 2018!

    Mr. Charles R Phillips, what you say, sir! Count the days until the election, call your Congress varmints, and by all means vote and take at least 10 friends with us to vote.

    😀 Bets are now open. If we take both the House and the Senate, will Cadet Bone Spurs cut and run, or will he hold out for a final ride on Marine1?

  13. Buttermilk Sky says:

    What does Flake have to lose? Oh, that’s right, a fancy lobbying job with the Koch brothers, or maybe a gig as Sean Hannity’s warm-up comedian. Whatever, you can be sure he’ll never have to do an honest day’s work, and all it will cost is the last crumb of his self-respect.

  14. This is what happens when one nurtures serpents next to ones bosom they will strike and kill.
    So it is with thuglicrat manchin. Who with his vote probably hopes the scotus will now bless his daughters profits over lives pricing for medicines. Nice family values he passed on.
    Other thuglicrats such as your own cuello are the same. When a representative votes more then 68% of the time with the other side they can no longer be considered to be d’s.
    I am so sick of these back stabbers. If Heidi had the courage when she is neck and neck with her oppenent in a blood red state manchin showed his accomadating side even when he has a 10% + lead in his race.
    Just like the dixiecrats of old who are a blot on the pages of history we get excuses such as “well the district is different” and ” the people here are to ignorant to understand where their best interests lie” or the favorite from S. Africa “the voters here are new to civilization so must make allowances by feeding them political tripe and pap to appeal to them”
    So we have the manchins, cuello’s, lipinski’s and other trash waiting for the oppurtune moment to stab the d’s in the back and move on to collect that sweet sweet wingnut welfare.
    collins is gone she will be sitting on a koch industry board taking here 30 pieces of silver for betraying her state, her country and her gender. Never expected more from that flim flam woman. A whack job through and through with a good press agent to hid her dishonesty.
    So not one penny for manchin, no access to mailing lists write him out of the democratic party and if he gets reelected he can ask the thuglicans for a seat on any committee because the d’s should deny him any committee positions at all and bar him from caucus meetings.

    No Mercy.

  15. demented donnie knows that the thuglican donors literally with out any exageration own the voting machines and because of claim of enterprise secrets for their business there is no oversight of those machines or the software.
    That coupled with assistence from his daddy putin he might be right.
    after the count is done the thuglicans will probably gain seats in both houses.
    remember line from gangs of new york where mayor declares that it isn’t important as to who votes or how what is important is who is counting the votes.
    Well dememnted donnies cotorie of frauds, cowards, pedaphiles and just plain crooks are the ones counting the votes.
    This is probably the reason he is confident of a red wave.
    Hell he probably has final vote tallies and lists of winners already.
