
October 05, 2018 By: El Jefe Category: SCOTUS

Earlier this week I asked why in the hell Trump would be so stupid as to nominate such a horrible candidate for the Supreme Court.  As his nomination to the highest court staggers toward a vote in the Senate, I ask, why in the hell would said horrible candidate publish an op-ed in the WSJ essentially apologizing for his horrible behavior in a nationally televised Judiciary Committee meeting?  The pretty certain answer is that he and Trumpland are now desperate.  Despite a mountain of evidence, coast to coast protests, mounting opposition by the ACLU, the American Bar Association, Yale Law, over a thousand law professors, and millions of Americans,  Senate Fascist Mitch McConnell is pushing ahead for a confirmation vote.  The backlash from the sparse FBI investigation whitewash is only making matters worse.

McConnell’s problem, though?  He doesn’t have the votes.  Axios is reporting that Republicans don’t have 50 and that senators are “walking on quicksand”.  At least 4 senators are undecided, but they’re not the only ones.  Polls are now beginning to move against senators for supporting Kavanaugh, so the Repubs (and Joe Manchin) face the classic politician’s dilemma: be an asshole to protect your seat, or do the right thing.

I don’t believe it’s as solid as Herr McConnell is making it out to be.

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0 Comments to “Desperate”

  1. Ultimately, we just have to ask, why this schmuck? Why have someone who has to hide behind obfuscation and slight of hand, and *still* may be hit with perjury down the road?

    Because Hair Furor believes that will be enough, and never held the SCOTUS in any regard in the first place…

  2. The smell of flop sweat is heavy here 20 miles from Capitol Hill.

  3. I hope you are correct JJ. If Kavanaugh gets confirmed, I feel like it is game over for our democracy.

  4. Jane & PKM says:

    Jo, on the ‘bright’ side this vote could cost the snacilbupeR the House and the Senate. Then we can advocate for impeachment of Thomas in addition to Kavanaugh. Then there’s the double plus bonus of investigating Dotard45 and ALL the felonies of his maladministration. Will it be ugly? Yes. But what hasn’t been ugly since the day Donnie rode down his gilded escalator? Some say Donnie is the symptom, not the cause. True, much of this mess began with Nixon with heavy pushed from Reagan and HW Shrub. It’s the snacilbuepR “long game” back to the 19th century.

  5. Jane & PKM says:

    Generally I don’t pause to apologize for autocorrects that I miss. “Pushed” should have been “pushes.” Then again, maybe putsch would have been more accurate.

    H/T to Chuck Schumer for mentioning Merrick Garland. Every Democratic Senator should evoke Merrick Garland each and every time the snacilbupeR whine about poor Bart.

  6. A lifetime appointment to the highest court in the country, from which there is no appeal, should not come down to this. I know the Constitution and the repeal of the supermajority vote requirement allow it, but this is just obscene.

  7. oh hell we all know he’s going to be confirmed.

  8. Jane & PKM says:

    Donnie thinks Kavvie the Kavity is his “get out of jail free” card. ‘itch McConnell is simply drunk on power and loaded to destroy the SCOTUS with whack job Federalist Society dominionists and forced birthers.

    Two words for every time ‘itch whines and or/lies: Merrick Garland. 293 days with not even a meet & greet, much less a hearing, you putz.

  9. As soon as the d’s get majority in either house start exhaustive investigation of kavanaugh, gorsuch, tthomas and alito for any misdeed ever.
    Rip their lives apart and leak every embaressing revelabtion that comes to the for.
    Bankrupt them on legal fees and their wives, children and sociated orgs.
    Any slightest falacy must be prosecuted to the most extreme end. In example if ginni thomas has ever misstated her age or weight on a legal document prosecute for perjury or any of the whack job orgs. she fronts for ever did anything wrong, even if it was using the wrong font on a document or signing with blue ink instead of black ink, prosecute.
    Rip open books of any org. they belong to to show conflict of interests or any violation no matter how minor.
    Destroy there lives. Send them to coventry. Let no decent person share the same room with them.
