Yeah, Kentucky

September 19, 2020 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized


Some days are just too heavy for words.  Democrats: just one letter between traitors and tractors.

Thanks to SGray for the heads up.

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0 Comments to “Yeah, Kentucky”

  1. thatotherjean says:

    Oh, son, you couldn’t be more wrong. “Republic” and “Republicans” could hardly be farther apart today. Ask Mitch McConnell how much he respects the Republic. He is, and has been, trying his best to undermine it and re-make it in the image of his Fascist, wanna-be dictator boss.

  2. Doesn’t matter. They are going for US democracy’s jugular, for the kill, the coup de grâce; right now:

    “Donald J. Trump
    .@GOP We were put in this position of power and importance to make decisions for the people who so proudly elected us, the most important of which has long been considered to be the selection of United States Supreme Court Justices. We have this obligation, without delay!
    9:20 AM · Sep 19, 2020”

  3. I think the exposed nipple is a nice touch.

  4. My daughter texted me last night about RBG.
    Democracy is dead.
    I think she is right.

  5. thatotherjean says:

    @Diane #4

    It’s not dead yet. If it’s going to die, let’s go down fighting for it, or our offspring will rightly not forgive us. VOTE in November! In the meantime, call your Senators, and let them know what you think.

  6. Buttermilk Sky says:

    Based on the Stephen Miller tweet (no way trump wrote anything that grammatical), we have a lot of work to do. Senators need to block anything Moscow Mitch/Moscow’s Bitch try to appoint and begin the impeachment of Kavanaugh for lying under oath at confirmation. Gloves off.

  7. fenway fran says:

    He keeps conveniently forgetting the “We The People” did NOT elect him, The Electoral College did. Blue Tsunami, people. Vote in droves!

  8. Grandma Ada says:

    I thought it was going to get ugly in the run up to the election, but now the period all the way to Inauguration Day we have to be vigilant.

  9. The next time a Republicon hypocritically calls for “civility” in politics, we’re game on – after they censure Moscow Mitch and the vile Doug Collins (R-GA) for their remarks in the last 24 hours. Then there’s the matter of the f c king moron for whom no odious statement is too much for the Republicons to swallow.

  10. Steve from Beaverton says:

    This is so serious and sad, it’s hard to make any light of the current state of our politics. But this yahoo is probably one of those critters Trumpf said he was glad he wouldn’t have to shake hands with out of fear of contracting coronavirus (and there are many).
    His spelling is also typical of his followers (and of him).
    Think maybe he meant to spell tators- slang for a “big boob”.
    But seriously, the fight is now on in RBG’s memory.

  11. Apparently words don’t actually have meanings. They’re just strings of syllables.
    Republic doesn’t mean, “a system in which the people choose those who represent them.” It means “I win, you lose.”
    And “democrat” or the word from which it sprang, “democracy” doesn’t mean, “a system in which the people choose those who will govern them or the rules by which they are governed.” It mean “losers.”

    Because Trump says so and who is this guy to argue with Dear Leader? He’d rather give it all over so he doesn’t have to think about words and what they might actually mean.

  12. Sam in Superior says:

    He was rejected by aliens for the anal probe experiment because they couldn’t get his head out.

  13. This poor guy is just sorta sad. I want to pat him on the head and say, “There, there.”

  14. Bless his heart

  15. I’m surprised — no, shocked! — that he went with the nondescript gray nipple-flashin’ tank top, and not his very best Sunday-go-to-meetin’ UK Wildcats tee shirt

  16. It has always bemused me that those of small intellect think that Ben Franklin’s statement “a republic, if you can keep it” provides some kind of validation of their benighted, besotted, and bigoted political organization simply because they call themselves Republicans.

  17. Harry Eagar says:

    I got dumped from my newspaper blog for saying 40% of Americans are natural fascists but I note that other people — some watching us from outside — are starting to say the same thing, and coming up with about the same percentage.

    I know why, too. About 40% of Americans subscribe to religions (Catholicism, various kinds of evangelical Protestantism) that teach that you are not permitted to make your own decisions.

    That leaves a small margin for democracy. William F. Buckley Jr.once noted that half of American adults had never read a book since leaving school. He opined something like, ‘we must find these people and keep them from voting.’

    I have long been pessimistic about democratic self-government, and not only because of natural fascists. The proto-monarchists who still yearn fro a Kennedy dynasty as just as dangerous.

    We are herd animals.

  18. Let us hope that this stupid repugnut who does not know how to spell (too bad that there is not a level of intelligence required of anyone who votes! Case in point “trators” meets their Just reward!
