In Case You Missed It

September 19, 2020 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized


Remember Graham before Trump had dirt on him?


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0 Comments to “In Case You Missed It”

  1. Steve from Beaverton says:

    Hoping RBG would pass soon, he said recently that people need to look at his comments since. We already knew he just says what people want to hear in the moment, and he’s as 2-faced, lying and hypocritical as all repugnanticans in Congress (I almost wrote most, but there’s not a straight shooter in the bunch including Murkowski).

  2. Headline: Today
    Here are 3 ways McConnell’s drive to replace Ginsburg could be derailed.

    This could be a foretaste of efforts, including but not limited to a bump in the number of justices given a Biden rout.

  3. Another Headline today:

    Republican operative: Don’t assume McConnell has the votes to confirm a Trump-appointed Justice
    from former George W. Bush speechwriter and confirmed NeverTrumper David Frum.

    He makes some excellent points (one of them being, ‘don’t swallow your tongue in abject, pants-shitting fear just yet’ ):

  4. And here’s three more ways…donations to the campaigns of Sara Gideon, Amy McGrath and Jaime Harrison.

  5. charles phillips says:

    Of course, all this hand-wringing is for naught if Drumpf is still president in 2021.

    Or if the republicans keep the senate.

  6. charles phillips says:

    Just in case, practice saying this along with me; “Associate Justice Tom Cotton.”

    I can’t even think that without projectile vomiting.

  7. AK Lynne, Brian Schatz, my favorite senator after our own Chris Murphy, tweeted a good point about supporting candidates. “Don’t pick your favorite candidate or the one you’ve heard of. Give here. I repeat, this money goes directly to the most competitive races, not just the most famous candidates.

    As much as I love (and support) Amy McGrath her chances are apparently not that good. 🙁

  8. Bookmakers are already laying down odds on the f c king moron nominating a woman and that Amy Crazy Barrett will be Donnie’s pick. Once again proving conservative women are equal to conservative men, if vile is the metric.

    Two words: Merrick Garland. For that if Moscow Mitch rams through a Covidiot 45 appointee, then Democrats need to impeach every lying SCROTUS conservative for their lies to the Senate Judiciary committee, then add 3 members to the court to correct this soap show.

  9. This, from the same ‘zine today
    Snark: Does anyone need instructions on how to re-purpose Covid masks into tight fitting depends? Seriously, my sky didn’t fall yet today. ( :—{p>
    RBG was a terrible loss but not a disaster in the broader scheme.
    “Ain’t that good news,,, Man ain’t that good news”
    – Sam Cooke

    THIS folks: On Saturday morning, Gov. Charlie Baker (R-MA) issued a statement on Twitter urging Senate Republicans to hold off on filling Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s seat until after the November election.

  10. Please contact your senators and insist they deny McConnell Unanimous Consent on everything. Just one such senator can bring the republican bulldozer to a grinding stop until trump is finito.

    I contacted both of my OR senators today and will again.

  11. @megasoid: My concern is that the Rs want to hold off the Supreme Court seat until after the election so it won’t cause even more Rs to lose their Senate seats. Then they’ll still have 12 weeks or so before their current terms end.

    Not good enough: They need to follow their own Merrick Garland rule. Not that they think rules apply to them.

  12. He wouldn’t have needed to go on the record in the first place if McConnell hadn’t pulled his stunt with Garland.

    And now, of course, he’ll claim he never said it.
    What is it with Republicans and their belief that the invention of audio and video tapes was a hoax?
    Right up there with climate change and any such thing as a Constitution.

  13. john in denver says:

    Best news I’ve seen:

    1. Minority Leader Schumer saying if there is a push to nominate and confirm before the election, NOTHING is off the table.

    2. Pelosi saying there are some maneuvers which the House can take to help refocus the attention of the Senate. I’m hoping that includes timing of continuing resolutions on the budget, but am pretty certain Pelosi & the Democratic conference is inventive about finding options which will help divert the Senate or make it clear what will happen as “costs” of pursuing a rushed vote.

  14. Headline: Arizona race could give Democrats extra Senate seat for supreme court fight

    Because the contest is a special election to finish McCain’s term, the winner could be sworn in as soon as the results are certified. 

    OT ~
    I’m certain everyone has seen the photo of McSally attaching her lips to Trump’s face. The image reminds me of nothing less than an parasitic species of lamprey or a hagfish attaching itself to the dorsal side of a large mouth bass, which then proceeds to rasp the scales off in order to feed thus killing the host animal. Time to vacate your habitat Martha.

  15. Even if the Golden Gibbon doesn’t succeed in packing the court before Biden is elected, I would still want Biden to not only nominate someone who is he solid successor in every way to RBG, I would also want him to increase the number of judges on that bench! I don’t care how loud the R’s screech. Also, appoint Obama as the successor to Roberts. I am laying $$ on his departure pretty soon. I don’t give damn if Obama will have to deal with questions concerning the ACA or anything else he instituted and got enacted during his presidency. It has to be made perfectly clear to so many in this country that their supremism is D.E.A.D. If they don’t like it, let them chose the dictator of their heart’s desire and go live there!
