Yeah, Jan, We Hear You

October 26, 2017 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Remember Jan Brewer?  That vicious old crazy woman in Arizona who shook her finger in the President’s face?


Well, she up and decided that she wants to talk about Jeff Flake.

“Politics is not for sissies,” she explains.

Yeah, Jan, but it’s not for venomous, catty old bitties either.


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0 Comments to “Yeah, Jan, We Hear You”

  1. Tilphousia says:

    Poor old Jan is obviously of taking her meds. Or taking too much. Her lack of manners, breeding and class just made the contrast between President Obama and Jan that much more apparent.

  2. I thought snakes in the desert should stay hidden under rocks, and not run for public office. But that’s just me.

  3. Do you mean “biddies” as in old hen? She is that for sure.

  4. Juanita Jean Herownself says:

    Yeah, that’s what I meant!

  5. Gads! Who let her out of the attic!

  6. Aw, she just needed a little attention, that’s all.

  7. Every time I see that photo I want to bite of her damn finger and shove it up her nose. Or somewhere.

  8. Well, we’ve talked about it before. Repugnantcans are definitely getting more open and honest about their douchebagery. Sick 10 year old girls. Eating their own. Gold star families. Nothing new. Just open and honest about it. Jan Brewer even said it in the story. Voters are emboldened, she said. What she left unsaid is that racists, bigots, misogynists etc. are emboldened too. But hey, as long as they vote, it’s all good right? Can I get a hell yeah? Our job is to make them own it. No going back to “compassionate conservatism”. And I’ll say it again. Donald Trump is Ronald Reagan without the misdirection.

  9. Marcia in CO says:

    This picture of the old bat always makes me think of the Wicked Witch of the West … the nose and definitely that long, pointy chin! It’s coming on to Hallowe’en and she had to test drive her broom before the big night!! Blow out a few of the cobwebs!

  10. Ugh. I always think how nice Obama was for not making the face that I would have – had she been blowing that sour cigarette breath in my face. Debbo, I would not touch those nicotine-stained fingers, much less have them anywhere my mouth . Eww.

  11. Well, if politics is not for sissies then the Presidency is not for A..holes either.

  12. Old Jan and Kellyanne Conway look like they could be evil twin sisters.

  13. That Other Jean says:

    I agree with Debbo.

  14. Deb Harvey says:

    As a republican jan should know about sissies, every republican member of Congress is scrambling for their spot in the line to kiss 45’s butt.
