Yeah, But It Sounds Like Fun To Me
The rightwing in Arizona better pray for rain because their damn hair is on fire.
Judson Phillips is the president of Tea Party Nation in Arizona. Bless his heart, he has the dirtiest mind of anyone I know. His big concern about Governor Jan Brewer’s veto? Penis cakes.
Yeah, you read that right.
Should a devote baker be required to create a cake for a homosexual wedding that has a giant phallic symbol on it or should a baker be required to create pastries for a homosexual wedding in the shape of genitallia [sic]? Or should a photographer be required to photograph a homosexual wedding where the participants decide they want to be nude or engage in sexual behavior?
Judson contends that forcing this upon people is exactly like slavery. Exactly. Well, you know, except that slaves didn’t get paid and were whipped, sold, and torn apart from their families and taken places they didn’t want to go and raped at will and hung for no good reason. Other than that – exactly like slavery.
Now I have to tell you that I have a lot of gay friends. Not one of them would have a penis cake at their wedding. Let’s face it, all wedding cakes are pretty gay anyway. But, let’s pretend they do. Why would they force someone to do that when the hetrosexual community already has that covered. (Momma, do not click that link.) Why would they force an rank amateur to make one when odds are pretty good that they haven’t seen an actual winkie with the lights on?
Thanks to Jay for the heads up.