Y’all Qaeda Starts Training Early

January 19, 2019 By: El Jefe Category: Alt-Right Racists, Alternative Facts, Fun With Guns, Misogyny

This idiot is a guy named Graham Allen, who’s a loudmouthed radical partisan with a “show” on Blaze TV (that’s right, Glen Beck’s online manure factory).  Apparently, ol’ Graham didn’t like Gillette’s new television commercial that encourages men to stop teaching their boys to be ignorant assholes.  He WANTS his boys to be ignorant assholes, so he thought he would get them off to a running start by posting a pic of his small children holding deadly weapons.

This member of Y’all Qaeda wanted to get an early start for his recruits so he can do his part perpetuating ignorance, misogyny, and intolerance.  Looks like he’s doing a good job of doing just that.

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0 Comments to “Y’all Qaeda Starts Training Early”

  1. Predicting . . . that after all his hard work at stupidifying his kids, one of them inn the future will turn his/her back on all that and at best, pity the old man.

  2. Why doesn’t the girl have a gun? Toxic femininity?

  3. He apparently thinks women are not up to handling guns.

    That is a cotton field they are standing in. Wonder if the kids get to pick……

  4. Amazing how many people are actually proud of displaying their ignorance and stupidity.

  5. Look.
    Nobody likes commercials, which apparently is his beef, with a Gillette commercial.
    Even Elvis took offense when Robert Goulet sang on the TV one evening, and had at ’em. But Elvis blew out the tube with a single shot. Visit Graceland, the set is on display.

    By the looks of this photo, Graham Allen is not only stupid for arming children, but must be a really bad shot in a family of bad shots. Three people and a girl spotter to take out a TV? These days TVs have screens the size of walls, and he needs that much backup? C’mon Graham.


  6. slipstream says:

    Way down yonder in the land of cotton,
    Old times there are not forgotten . . .

  7. I’m betting that in that culture the girl is the one who really needs a gun, which is probably why she doesn’t have one. She’s also the only one who’s been told or taught to smile. It starts early, don’t it? She’ll probably be married off when she’s about fourteen or fifteen.

  8. “Y’all Quada”? I love that. I am SO stealing it.

    That phrase is the only bright spot in a dismal day.

  9. Mary Sweet says:

    Someone really needs to call Child Protective Services on him. If he’s letting the boys pose with guns, what happens when one of them gets angry about something relatively minor and decides to take out that person?

  10. Unfortunately, he’s not alone. Read the comments at the you tube link. The guys who got their fee-fees hurt and promised never to buy Gillette again — AND proclaimed that women are the real enemy — are in their element over there.
    Makes me think they recognize themselves in the bullies in the ad, which leads them to try to bully the company right back.

    Poor babies.

  11. Mary Sweet: it might even be a crime depending on which State they are in. The crime is on the kids, minor in possession of a firearm.

  12. So, the sons get weapons but not the daughter?
    But seriously, could this be child abuse?

  13. If Graham Allen doesn’t wise up he’ll never get that girl married off. “If she ain’t good nuff for her family how’s she gonna be good nuff for ours?”

  14. Those dear children have a fool for a father. God help them.
