January 19, 2019 By: El Jefe Category: Border Catastrophe, Trump

Trump tossed a bone to the Dems by offering a 3 year legislative relief for the DACA folks for almost $6 billion for his idiotic wall.  The answer to that is hell no.  Permanent residence and a path to citizenship?  Yes.  Kick the can down the road for his folly?


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0 Comments to “NOPE”

  1. Three years of limbo?
    In three years Trump will be lucky if we let HIM stay in this country.

  2. Vintage Trump! That’s a deportation threat couched as an “offer.” Six billion or the Dreamers get it.

  3. Charles R Phillips says:

    Damned if you do, damned if you don’t. If the dems took it, it would look like they had sold out, worse, it would look like it was all a sham from the beginning.

    Since they didn’t take it, they will have to find a way to sell their decision as something other than “obstructionism.” Pointing out that Trump isn’t in any way trustworthy would be a good start.

  4. This is a non-started anyway because the whole issue is in the courts and SCOTUS will hear the arguments in 10 or 11 months. Meanwhile, the DACA dreamers are spared–for the moment.

    Any deal that doesn’t permanently protect them is a no-go.

  5. Blessings upon the saner heads who prevail…..that “speech” was straight out of Steve Miller’s foul mouth.

  6. Buttermilk Sky says:

    So he can’t go play with the golf toys? Very very unfair!!

  7. Automatic citizenship for any one who is presently here or has been deported with out a felony criminal conviction.
    Payment to bring back all that have been deported.
    ICE agents put under intensive investigation for any and all possible crimes including IRS violations.
    Every appointee, including supreme court, immediate removal with investigation of their entire lives this includes to FCC, CFTC, the fed everything.
    Immediate forfeiture of anything owned by any of demented donnies companies, organizations or relatives. Including homes, jewelry, clothes, cars everything.
    Sening the twit and darth cheny to Iran for war crimes prosedution.
    Then maybe possibily we could talk.

  8. The art of the schlemial. And we ain’t schlomozels!

  9. slipstream says:

    Just as he described in his book “The Fart of the Deal” — I get what I want right now, and what you want . . . well . . . we’ll talk about it in three years, okay?

    Just a hunch, but I’m guessing the Dems won’t play that game.

  10. Deal? That was a deal? Where was the negotiation? I’m old but I’m definitely not senile!

  11. With the sex abuse scandals, gangbang bretts indoctrination into having license to abuse, to porno clarence’s love of torture, and now the students of a catholic school wearing gang colors harassing and abuseing an american veteren who happens to be a tribal member – isn’t it about time that the catholic school system be shut down as an anti american, anti human terrorist indoctrination facilities.
    I am a product of a catholic grade school. Not proud except in my survival.
    Dominican nuns.

  12. Jane & PKM says:

    Our two NV Senators will hold firm. And we have no doubts about Speaker Pelosi’s ability to lead and count votes. Deportation Donnie and his maladministration have gone too far proving they have no concept of citizenship. Our DACA citizens, our Vietnamese citizens and our citizens from Haiti and other countries with extended emergency visa situations deserve protection. When there is no “home” to return to and with so many cases it has been 10, 20 30 years or longer, home is here. Even Dubya “got it.”

    These citizens now have one home and one home only; here. Questionable would be someone with multiple passports claiming citizenship in US, UK, Ireland and Canada or friends of Donnie from China and Russia who arrive for the express purpose of having vacation babies to provide an oligarch escape option. Or, worse yet, Rupert Murdoch, an Australian who received extraordinary special treatment and ‘citizenship’ to circumvent laws governing monopolistic media ownership.

    So yes, there are discussions to be had, but not at the expense of those held hostage by the government shutdown, other innocent citizens and whoever else Donnie’s maladministration wishes to ethnic cleanse from their home country, our country.

    Open the damn government, Old Scratch. Fuggedaboud Donnie. Remember he already cut out your legs from under you after he promised. Try something new in the immigration debate – fair and reasonable. No wall money; not needed. It was evident before I was born that the problem has never been immigration from our southern border. Please, feel free to go after the root of the problem, labor exploitation.

  13. Kate Dungan says:

    He will never keep his word on any promises made.

  14. Ironically, given that Trump’s desire to eject and ban immigrants is driving the shutdown, some immigrants whose claims of asylum are without merit have been in effect granted a years-long reprieve by the shutdown.

  15. #7 k. Wow, I was just going to suggest Comprehensive Immigration reform, extending TPS, and giving Dreamers a path towards citizenship (within two years), but I like what you’ve suggested! However, slippery trumpkin is not to be trusted to keep his word. And you know Presidents Coulter, Limpballs, and Hannanity will veto anything other than flat out wall funding.

    Besides, trumpist is only promising to give something back that he previously stole, so where’s the compromise?
