Y’all, Bless His Heart

September 22, 2016 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Tom DeLay speaks —

Former House Majority Leader Tom DeLay appeared on Newsmax Prime yesterday, where he declared that President Obama will go down as the worst president in American history.

“I have said it and said it publicly and I’ve said it proudly,” DeLay stated, “this president is a Marxist, he believes in globalization, he believes in world order, he is a socialist from the get-go and we’re getting what we deserve because we made him president of the United States.”

I hate to be tacky but I think he meant, “My plastic surgeon is the worst plastic surgeon in plastic surgery history.”


Y’all by my reckoning, this is at least the third facelift he’s had and he alone has made botox an endangered species.

He’s written a new book.  I say “written” with my tongue tightly in my cheek because during his book tour for his last book, it because increasingly obvious that he’d never read his own book.

He’s also still begging for charity on his website.  However, now he wants money to spread the word of God. He’s become a preacher-for-hire.  Oh the mighty, how they fall pitifully.

Thanks to Kyle for the heads up.

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