Skittles Anyone?

September 22, 2016 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Thank you, Sweet Jesus, for Donald Trump, who is kinda the Mahatma Ghandi of race relations.

The King of Racism suddenly has a fix now that the debates are close, so he went on Fox and Friends this morning to calm the angry seas.

“It just seems that there’s a lack of spirit between the white and the black. I mean, it’s a terrible thing that we’re witnessing,” Trump told “Fox and Friends” during a phone interview Thursday. “You’re seeing it. I’m seeing it, and you look at what went on last night in Charlotte — a great place — and you just see it.”

“And I see it even going out, there’s such a lack of — there’s a lack of spirit,” he continued. “There’s a lack of something. Something’s going on that’s bad, and what’s going on between police and others is getting worse.”

That’s not even English.  I’m pretty certain of that.  Hell, he sounds like a stoned Alaskan Governor.

I suspect that my black friends will certainly appreciate the “lack of spirit” – whatever the hell that means – and the honor of moving from being referred to as “them” to become “others.”

I’m not going to make it until election day, y’all.  I was thinking about investing in some ear plugs.  Not only because I don’t want to hear this crapola, but also to keep my brain from sliding out.


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0 Comments to “Skittles Anyone?”

  1. If you can promise me that momma won’t read this, I will tell you what I think of Donald Trump. (I almost went ahead and replaced the name with what I really think…phew, that was a close one.)

    I’m with you on being sickened by the hate overload. A lot of times I just race through the headlines because I can’t stand any more of it.

  2. This is classic Donniespeak. Point to a situation where black folks are mad as hell and protesting against their treatment by police. WaPo had the story a while back pointing out that black males make up about 7 percent of our population, but around 44 percent of people shot and killed by police. I believe that a lot of people who haven’t been on the receiving end of this situation are probably wondering why this problem has blown up so much in recent years. Cell phones. Everybody’s got a video recorder now. Now there’s no denying what African Americans have known forever. So what do right wingers do to deflect attention from the real problem? No brainer. It’s a white black thing. Perpetuate the notion that one segment of our population, our neighbors, wanting simply to be treated as fairly as the rest of us is them demanding special treatment. “It’s because they hate white folks”. Anybody remember how certain groups in the past warned that black folks want a race war? Donnie’s a master at it. Look how casual he comes across. I’ve said in here before that that all this crap coming out in the open will ultimately be healthy, and I hope that’s true. But it’s ain’t gonna be fun.

  3. JAKvirginia says:

    “Something’s going on that’s bad”.
    — Capt. Obvious Trump

    Ya think, Donnie? Gee… where have you been since 1964? And this is the insight I get from someone who was investigated and cited by the Feds for housing discrimination?

    Oh screw it. Where’s the bourbon? I’ll just pour it on my Cheerios. Good morning, y’all.

  4. Katherine Hale says:

    Anybody else now can’t stop thinking, ” We’ve got spirit, yes, we do. We got spirit, how bout you?

  5. “I mean, it’s a terrible thing that we’re witnessing,”

    Gotta love it when politicians attempt to distance themselves from the monsters they created, don’tcha? Or maybe not.

    Here’s a translation for those of us who are not reality impaired [and for Donald who is simply reality denying]:
    “I mean, it’s a terrible thing that I’m working like the dickens to foment and make worse. You see it, I see it. Even going out [whatever the heck that means] I see it.”

    Yeah, Donald. We do to. So stop already with the making it worse. There’s a good boy.

    Oh, and you can stop with the mail-in grammar and elocution class you’ve been taking from Sarah Palin, too. You’ve graduated. With honors.

  6. Up here, we’re just on Trump Overload, have been for months. My sweet wife and I decided long ago to switch channels whenever he’s speaking on The Tube. Our personal faves are HGTV – especially House Hunting – and The Great British Bake Off on PBS. It’s just so much easier on our ears and our brains!

  7. JAKvirginia says:

    Craig! Oh yeah! The Great British Bake-Off! Amazing baking! Can’t get enough.

  8. Drumpf is the cheerleader for the low IQ bigot voter.
    Think about The average voters you know. Then meditate on the fact that half of all voters are dumber than that.
    We are so F###ed.

  9. Marcia in CO says:

    Heard earlier on MSNBC that the DNC is demanding that Trump’s Foundation be investigated in depth! The walls are closing in on Trump and, hopefully, they’ll slam into each other, squishing him like the stinkbug he truly is!!

  10. Trump said that with “stop and frisk” the police could stop anyone on the street and if they find a gun on him they could take it away. Where is the NRA and Wayne La Pierre’s outrage over this? I thought their precious 2nd amendment rights were sacrosanct. Wait…oh, I get it. That’s only for white people. Riiight.

  11. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Stop-&-Frisk is Donnie’s touchy feels way of extending the snacilbupeR outreach to minorities. Vote for Donnie and no one’s crotch will be safe. As for the police, they’re past Stop-&-Frisk. They’ve moved beyond hands to shoot first one stop “justice.”

  12. George in Lee County says:

    “You know somethins happenin but you don’t know what it is, do you, Mr. Trump….”

  13. My goodness, Mr. Drumpf, don’t that beat all. African American men are angry about being killed. And you’re doing all you can to undermine their African American President and their communities. How ungrateful, you boob!

  14. You’ve heard of the Manchurian Candidate?

    With Trump we have the Kardashian Candidate. All show and no go.

    Note that true-blue California not that long ago elected Arnold Schwarzenegger as Governor. He was unqualified and incompetent, but he is a white, male, celebrity bully and way too many voters like that.

    It is scary that, given a choice between a bully and a competent intellectual, the electorate seems to go for the bully every time.

  15. Donnie has been sharing meds with Sarah.

  16. innerlooper says:

    LynnN 2 for 2 helps your batting avg.

  17. His sudden concern for everyone that’s not him is just, just… heartwarming! It warms the hell out of my cockels! What else can one say?

  18. Trumps ramblings are incomprehensible. Matt Taibbi in recent issue of Rolling Stone has nailed it: “über-confident, self-congratulating gasbag who bulldozed to the Republican nomination on the strength of long, unscripted rants that were glorious tributes to every teenager everywhere who has ever taken a test without studying.” I couldn’t have said it better myself!

  19. Kenneth Fair says:

    I believe the word Trump was searching for is “uppity.”

  20. Sounds like he’s taking speaking lessons from Sarah Palin. Maybe she’ll teach him how to wink for the debates?

  21. Speaking of Skittles, Trump the Younger STOLE that image from a professional photographer, without asking if he can use it (the images are clearly marked that they’re available for LICENSED USE). This surprised no one.

  22. Don’t know if anyone will see this, but I gotta do a little clarifying just in case. The stats I quoted from the WaPo story are actually 6% by population, but 40% of UNARMED men shot and killed by police. The story stresses that the vast majority of folks killed by police actually are armed and/or threatening someone. Like always, statistics can be misleading, and I was quoting from memory. And I know I tend to be long winded from time to time. Like now. Sorry, sorry everyone. Oh the story is titled “A Year of Reckoning: Police Shoot Nearly 1000”. 12/26/2015.
