Wanna Know When You’re Really Screwy And Desperately Need Mental Health Help?

January 29, 2021 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

When the Georgia Bar comes calling.

“The State Bar of Georgia told me today they would demand a mental health exam from me if I wanted to keep my law license,” Trump conspiracy lawyer L. Lin Wood posted. “My mind is sound.”

Honey, the only sound his mind knows are those voices he keeps hearing.

The Georgia State Bar thinks you’re nuts? You’re nuts. In case you haven’t noticed, they’ve got a real low bar on sanity in Georgia. You can ice skate right over that bar and never even wobble.

Thanks to SGray for the heads up. 


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0 Comments to “Wanna Know When You’re Really Screwy And Desperately Need Mental Health Help?”

  1. Jane & PKM says:

    Don’t look now Lin, but in addition to the Georgia Bar coming to collect your license to practice your kids are at your front door. Something about your car keys. If you’re lucky Lin, you didn’t draw up your own living will in which case the kids may take control of your checkbook, too.

  2. Usually its the ones who keep insisting they don’t have mental health issues when they do. Lin Wood, Greene, Bachman, he-who’s-name-will-not-be-mentioned and the rest, are a brick short of a full load.

  3. One name.
    Marjorie Taylor Green.

  4. This sounds like the opening of a guerrilla marketing campaign for a new media outlet: “is Alex Jones too far left for you? Let Lin’s new program “The Wood” keep you up to date on the latest happenings in the Land of Lizardmen.”

  5. Harry Eagar says:

    Mr Wood, when your filings are weirder than those holograph pro se filings from the penitentiary that I used to read, you definitely need a checkup.

  6. Grandma Ada says:

    Another very stable genius!

  7. Buttermilk Sky says:

    Wood did good work representing the falsely accused Richard Jewell but then he put on the MAGA hat and it affected his brain. Now he’s even been fired by Covington Catholic brat Nicholas Sandmann.


  8. The sure sign of being loco in the cabeza is when you insist that you are not loco in the cabeza.

  9. Steve from Beaverton says:

    What’s with other state bars where he filed and represented you know who’s election fraud fraud lawsuits? What about sid powell and rudee? They’re all nuts.

  10. Lin, Just keep practicing – Person Woman Man Camera TV

  11. The Surly Professor says:

    OK, I thought that the Daily Beast article Chloe Bear linked to was joking about Greene, when they mention (after the usual q-anon and NRA BS) “… and said the 2018 wildfires in California were caused by Jewish space lasers.”

    But NO, she really claimed that:


    At least she claimed the Rothschilds and not Soros were controling it; it gets a bit tiresome having Soros responsible for all the Jewish conspiracies. Now she, Steve King, and Louie Gooober can form their own caucus in the House of Reps.

  12. Steve @ 10:
    That’s a great question. Since the WaD’s (Wannabe Dictator) lawyers have had their asses handed to them by almost every court since the election I’ve been wondering the same thing. Unless I’m wrong they’ve basically had to admit to the judges that they couldn’t argue their cases based on what their client has been claiming because they knew it was lies and then THEY could be prosecuted or disbarred. Never mind who he made horrendously liable (?) accusations against. That’s another fight.
    IMHO these scumbags have pushed the Free Speech argument to the point where it can’t be ignored anymore.
    Our democracy is openly threatened by their constant abuse of our most valued liberty. I wonder what the esteemed Mr. Mark Bankston thinks about it. He’s been leading this fight for years. I don’t remember if any of his cases have gone after the lawyers enabling turds like Alex Jones or not. But it seems to me that sooner or later that’s got to happen. Maybe it’s a baby steps scenario, getting at the bad actors one decision at a time.
    One precedent at a time.
    But it sure seems like the WaD’s and Jones’ of the world can only keep using the First Amendment to shield themselves from being accountable for the destruction of our country as we know it if people like Wood make a fortune justifying it.

  13. Harry Eagar says:

    Lin Wood has some competition:


    Surly, one of the insurrectionists blamed the Rothschilds and the Rockefellers, which is a new one, since ol’ John D. Sr. was a Baptist (who more than tithed even before he got rich) and the Rockefellers continued to be Baptists for the most part.

  14. Okay, so @13 was a relatively knee-jerk comment that didn’t hold up to my own further reflection. Just a tad simplistic. Seemed like a good idea at the time. Which was something probably said a fair amount throughout history by former vigilantes. It’d probably work great. For some. The unintended consequences on the other hand would’ve proved problematic. The whole “everybody has a right to representation” notion might’ve suffered a little. Just a smidge.

  15. Chloe Bear says:

    Looks like the Lincoln Project, like Dominion, can sue for Slander and Libel.

    Surely Professor, it is always the fault of the Jews. No doubt in the qanon world the Jews are responsible for the holocaust that did not happen.

  16. The Surly Professor says:

    Harry @14 and Chloe Bear @16: Darn! I was hoping that I could convert to Judaism and get my very own space laser. Not to set forest fires, but just to put some doodles on the moon. Maybe save the sign plane from having to fly around in Florida by putting the message on the Sea of Tranquility. And maybe to make Mar-a-Gogo about 30 degrees warmer than its surroundings. Not enough to start fires, just enough to make Rudi’s hair dye and anyone else’s cheap makeup run.

  17. Georgia? Is this the same Georgia that just cannot get its fill of keeping people from voting? The entire white nationalist club no matter where they are located or doing needs to get a full psych eval!

  18. Harry Eagar says:

    The issue of whackjobs in Congress has confronted both parties in Georgia. The Democrats handled it differently:


  19. Buttermilk Sky says:

    QAnon is the latest version of the Blood Libel invented in 12th century England.


  20. Harry Eagar says:

    If I am going to be expected to keep up with trump’s lawyers, coming and (especially) going, I will need more popcorn.
