WMDs at the Airport
Well, come to find out, a fellow by the name of Paul George Dandan, 30 years old, was found to be in possession of a weapon of mass destruction. He’s a damn air traffic controller in Charlotte, North Carolina.
Here’s his story: his 39 year old roommate made a pipe bomb to use against a neighbor, but he changed his mind. So, he gave the pipe bomb to Dandan.
You know, like I make cupcakes but then I decide not to eat them because, you know, calories. So, I give them to my roommate because, you know, that heifer will eat anything.
Friends: get you some.
They arrested the roommate, too. I don’t know about you, but I probably wouldn’t sleep too well knowing that there was a pipe bomb just lurking around in my apartment.
Thanks to Deb for the heads up.