Without Trump

April 16, 2020 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

So let’s pretend we whip Trump’s butt in November.

We are still left with these jerks.



The guys leading this rally carrying their assault rifles and threatening signs are still gonna be around.  The idiots following them are dangerous, too, because they remain willfully uninformed.

Look at those guys – there’s not a one of them who can get laid even at the chicken ranch with a hen under each arm and fifty dollar bill stapled to their forehead.  They are not guys with social skills.

They idolize Trump because they are just like him and if their daddy had given them a couple million dollars, they’d be him.

Okay, come up with a plan of what we do with them after November.  My best offer is to give them Florida. They could live there and infect or shoot each other but they’d at least have jobs because beer and the porn channel ain’t cheap.


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