Winston Churchill’s Grandson Ejected from the Conservative Party

September 03, 2019 By: El Jefe Category: Brexit

80 years ago today Great Britain declared war on Germany for invading Poland.  At the same time, Winston Churchill was appointed Lord of the Admiralty to fight the Germans.  He was later elected Prime Minister.  Ironically, today, 80 years to the day, Nicholas Soames, Churchill’s grandson, was notified he was being ejected from the Conservative Party, along with 20 other conservatives, for daring to vote against Boris Johnson Trump who is trying to crash the UK out of the EU without an exit plan.

Republicans in Congress can take a lesson here.  Soames, who’s been in Parliament for 37 years, is not allowed to stand for re-election as a conservative.  He disregarded this threat from Johnson and put his country before his own career.  If only our own spineless Congress would do the same here.  I’m not holding my breath.

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0 Comments to “Winston Churchill’s Grandson Ejected from the Conservative Party”

  1. Sounds to me like Soames and his compadres are taking a stand.
    I don’t believe any repugnantcan member of McConnell’s Senate has the gonads to do anything remotely resembling the same. Because it wouldn’t continue to pay the bills.

  2. Gonna be a thrilling couple of days in Parliament if it’s going to forbid no deal before the prorogation starts. Johnson/Trump now wants a snap election, but Labour won’t vote for one before the anti-no-deal bill passes (2/3 majority required). Good on you pointing out the historical parallel, EJ.

  3. “If you’re going through hell, keep going.”
    – Winston Churchill

    Interesting that the only broadcast media coverage of the debacle that is UK politics came via PBS. The Newshour took the time to discuss Brexit and the repudiation of Bojo by 21 Conservatives (1 had been kicked out earlier) but it didn’t make the big 3’s newscasts.

  4. Thank god that the brits appear to be staving off using “proroguing” parliament as nothing more then a political ploy because if it had worked we could have expected demented donnie, with moscow mitch’s assistance, to prorogue congress until after the 2020 election.

  5. Linda Phipps says:

    This is a clear message to the mean, spineless and downright corrupt white senators to dig in their heels and continue to thwart any legislation that is sensible.

  6. Take a look at a picture of this grandson. That scowl is pure grandpa and he is obviously letting the current PM have it with both barrels, just like grandpa! Good for you Nick!

  7. What is it about conservatives and never learning?

    It seems to me we had something similar happen on this side of the pond — and not all that long ago. If only the Brits had been paying attention . . . .

    Elizabeth Warren — remember her? President Obama appointed her to build the Consumer Protection Bureau and he wanted her to head it once it was operational.
    Well, the Republicans were having none of THAT! They blocked her nomination, wouldn’t even interview her behind closed doors, let alone bring her name to the floor.

    So she waited. Patiently. And nothing happened.
    So she ran for the Senate. And won.
    And haven’t the R’s been kicking themselves ever since? If they’d only done what President Obama wanted and confined her to some little agency they held the purse strings to, they could have ignored her. But as things stand, there’s no way in hell they can do any such thing.

    Thank you, Mitch. Because of you, Warren just might replace your racist dotard. And won’t that be a kick in the teeth?

    Speaking of Moscow Mitch — he may be a lot of things, but he’s not stupid. He called it several months after he set the whole thing in motion: “Nevertheless, she persisted.”
    Yeah, it’s what she does.

    Perhaps Nicholas can take a page from Warren’s book and run with the Labor Party — since brains, spines and hearts seem to be in such short supply no matter what part of the planet conservatives happen to reside on.

  8. The Surly Professor says:

    In 1904 or so Grandpa also bailed out of the Conservative Party to walk across the aisle and join the Liberals. He had been increasingly in favor of labor unions, but the issue that made him jump ship was Conservative support for tariffs and trade barriers.

    We’ll not see any U.S. Senators making those kind of stands, however.

  9. Well, Surly Professor, given that the Repugs have spent the last 40 years or so convincing their sheep..urr, constituents that having a D after your name is a sign that you are aligned with the Devil, it’s no surprise that no Repug Senator wants to cross the aisle.

    Still, that doesn’t absolve them of the taint of political cowardice.

  10. Buttermilk Sky says:

    I get the BBC America channel, and it’s been fun to watch a legislative body that takes things seriously. Most of our “representatives” only show up for SOTU. I’m looking forward to Prime Minister Question Time, which is on C-SPAN Sunday nights (check your cable service).

    If Johnson does to the Tory party what Trump is doing to the Republiklan, we all come out ahead.

  11. At this point it would be an honour to be kicked out of the Conservative Party, and an honor to be kicked out of the GOP. But I don’t expect anybody over here to take a stand. Any Republican who pretends to do so nearly always ends up folding and voting with Trump and McConnell anyway. That’s why your neighbors can’t vote for a local “good” Republican.
