Will Work for Food

April 24, 2013 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

I’ll tellin’ ya – mean is contagious.

West Virginia lawmakers have decided to ask non-profits like the Rotary Club to provide free or reduced lunches to school children.  And children who live in rural neighborhoods or small towns with bad economies with no Rotary Club?  Screw ‘um.  They should have asked to be born rich.  If God really loved them, there would be manna all over the ground for them to eat.

But, one Republican lawmaker has a solution.

Ray, Rand Paul called. He wants his hair back.

“I think it would be a good idea if perhaps we had the kids work for their lunches: trash to be taken out, hallways to be swept, lawns to be mowed, make them earn it,” Del. Ray Canterbury (R-Greenbrier) said during floor debate. “If they miss a lunch or they miss a meal they might not, in that class that afternoon, learn to add, they may not learn to diagram a sentence, but they’ll learn a more important lesson.”

Yeah, like how to be a yardman or a maid at Ray Canterbury’s house.  And he could just pay them with a peanut butter and jelly sandwich because they are used to that.

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