And We’re Mighty Proud, Too, Ted.

April 24, 2013 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX), who calls himself a “proud wacko bird,” told CBS News that President Barack Obama was plotting to make immigration reform fail so that Democrats could campaign on it in 2014 and 2016.

Hell, wacko birds are not even an endanger species in Texas.  We’ve got plenty, but Ole Ted is the Alpha Wacko Bird.

Thanks to Glen for the first heads up.

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0 Comments to “And We’re Mighty Proud, Too, Ted.”

  1. Cuckoo or is that coo-coo and not for Coco Puffs!

  2. “Proud” does not exactly describe my feelings about Ted Cruz, though “wacko” is pretty accurate.

  3. There he goes again, that wild and crazy guy!
    Repuglicans are doing so well dragging their feet on immigration reform, they don’t need any help from the President. More legal voters means they
    will be gone soon, God willing! Adios amigos.

  4. Ted Cruz increases my need for my stomach meds and an occasional xanax.

    P.S. I thought the clients of the beauty shop were over the top fantastic and wonderful in their response to the West, Texas and Boston connection. I’m so proud of the eloquence and clear thinking. For being able to put into words what I was just sputtering about. You guys and gals are the absolute best!!!

  5. Then again, feeding his paranoia could be beneficial. I sent him a missive against CISPA that any conspiracy nut would be proud to claim. Just mention government tracking of users on FreeRepublic and Facebook and how that could be used to identify gun owners and “patriotic dissenters”, and the rest takes care of itself.

  6. If we cannot have background checks for guns in this country can we have mental health evaluations PRIOR to running for office.

    Momma always said you have to have your head examined for wanting to run for political office.

  7. I would think a Wacko Bird in a state with so many guns, would have the good sense to keep quiet and not attract so much attention to himself.

  8. JJ, I question your statement that Ted is the Alpha bird…
    where does that put Louie???

  9. I love it!!! Alpha Wacko Bird (that be Ted) & Beta Wacko Bird (that be Louie). Soon, very soon, the Wacko Bird will be the official state bird of Texas.

  10. Forgot to add other states may become jealous of Texas & rush to make the Wacko Bird their official state bird. Let’s see now… who would be the Alpha & Beta Wacko Birds for other states? Hummmm?

  11. Not sure I understand how Mr. Cruz’ mind works. (I’m using “works” very loosely.)

    Assume Obama wants immigration reform to fail because it will help the Dems. OK, simple enough.

    But the rethugs are blocking it, i.e. making it fail.

    Ergo, rethugs are helping the Dems. Yeah, right….

    Republicans are such lousy liars, but what they lack in competence is overcome by the sheer ubiquity of their mendacity.

  12. Corinne Sabo says:

    Wacko is accurate, but I like birds.

  13. I think we should all hope that Ted ‘Carnival’ Cruz is not the alpha but the omega wacko bird.

  14. Sam in Kyle says:

    If Ted is as bright as he thinks he is, the move for him would be to support immigration reform to take this away as a campaign issue.

  15. Miss Prissybritches..... says:

    Carnival Cruz is a WHACKJOB… leave the poor innocent birds out of the insult that he obviously enjoys.

  16. BarbinDC says:

    The most dangerous people are those who cannot be embarrassed. I believe Sen. “Carnival” Cruz is one of those.

  17. If Cruz has higher ambitions for 2016, my suggestion to him would be to stop talking for at least a year. But I’m convinced his pathology & ego won’t allow that.

  18. TexasEllen says:

    If Carnival Cruz and Gov. Goodhair both try to win the Republican nomination, we are in for a spring of wackoffery.
    Pass the popcorn.

  19. But if President Obama is trying to make immigration reform fail doesn’t that require every red-blooded Republican he-man to make sure it succeeds?
