
November 07, 2017 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

I know you’re gonna find this hard to believe.  I mean, a man in Donald Trump’s administration who lies about how much money he has?  Really?  Who would believe that?  But, it happened.  It really did.

Wilbur Ross ain’t worth 3 billion dollars.  I mean, we already know he ain’t worth dog crap, but he also lies about his money.

Forbes Magazine discovered this when he lied to them – and everyone who would listen – about his net worth.  It wasn’t hard to discover his lie.  It required a pencil, a paper napkin, and extensive knowledge of addition and subtraction.

Forbes says they noticed something amiss when Ross filed his required financial discloser forms after Trump nominated him to be Secretary of Commerce.

In all, the forms showed he had assets with a net worth of just $700 million, which was far below the $3.7 billion he had claimed to be worth, and below the $2.9 billion that Forbes had believed he was worth.

He told people that he had transferred $2 billion to his children before he accepted Trump’s offer.  He didn’t.  He lied.

Sound familiar?

Wilbur has also taken a starring role in the Paradise Papers.  There’s no Russians here.  No, sireeee.  Not a Russians anywhere to be found.  And even if a Russian is involved, nothing improper happened.  Just keep saying it over and over and over and damn.


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0 Comments to “Wilbur”

  1. “Required financial disclosure forms”…. Seems to me somebody forgot to fill those out. Now, who was it….?

  2. And this guy is one rough fighter. His reputation from Wall Street precedes him. He may look like he just came out of ht pumpkin patch, but he knows only one way of fighting – dirty.

  3. IIRC, that young woman who worked for W and now has a program on MSNBC said after one fills out all the financial disclosure forms, they get a 6 hour visit to review the forms with the FBI. She also said they got a quarterly review about the ethics involved with working in the WH. That was when they were hawking Ivanka’s products on the WH steps.

    She didn’t say anything about ethics and Karl Rove and his RNC servers and computers for WH staff.

  4. Trump has to be an electro magnet for corrupt, lying grifters.
    Every day another one is exposed and of course prevaricates a story of innocence or a faulty memory. He has single handedly destroyed America’s trust and integrity. Hoping for a Mueller tsunami so sweep them all into the hoosegow.

  5. Tilphousia says:

    What!! A traitor trump appointee lied?! He still my heart – hand clutching pearls, fainting on silk recamier. Traitor trump really scrapes the bottom of the cesspool to find his “cabinet”.

  6. I am shocked.
    That the 45 admin, is filled with lying SOSes!

  7. Rhea.
    I guess this is the one. It’s a real monster, 98 pages.
