Why You Can’t Tell Ted Cruz From a Horse’s Patoot.

September 08, 2018 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Okay, so the latest Ted Cruz slam against Beto O’Rourke is that he rented a VFW Hall and asked them to take down the US flag.

This comes from that unimpeachable source of all things total crap, Erick Erickson, a man rushing to fill the void of dank oily darkness left by Alex Jones.

O’Rourke rented out a Veterans of Foreign Wars Hall in Navasota, TX to hold a campaign rally. According to VFW Post 4006 Commander Carl Dry, O’Rourke’s campaign insisted the VFW Hall take down its American flags.

That just didn’t happen.

Knowing Ted Cruz’s penchant for dirty tricks and silly games, I have no doubt some Republican kids are laughing their butts off right now at what they did.

Beto’s campaign answered

Our campaign absolutely did not request that any flags be removed or taken down from the walls. It is incorrect to say that we did. We have hosted dozens of town halls in VFW posts across the state and always ensure that the flags are prominently and respectfully displayed. As a senior member of the House Veterans Affairs Committee, the Vice Ranking Member of the House Armed Services Committee, and the Congressman for one of the largest military communities in the country, Beto is proud to have our flag displayed at events.

Lord, Ted Cruz is goofy.

Thanks to everybody for the heads up.

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0 Comments to “Why You Can’t Tell Ted Cruz From a Horse’s Patoot.”

  1. In just the last few days a media blitz has begun on behalf of DetesTed Cruz in the local big city market, probably also statewide.
    Massive amounts of outsider money has obviously begun flowing in. I’ve seen two or three Cruz anti-Beto TV spots in just one thirty minute local news block, they’re probably peppered throughout the day (and I’ll assume on radio and print too).
    These ads are extremely negative, vile, full of lies and distortions. Each time I see one I notice more little subtle (negative) details, very well done propaganda ads one must say.
    The disclosure line states that they’re provided by the megabucks “Club for Growth Action” and another named “Texans Are” (or something like that, fine print y’know).
    The ads from both those PACs are clearly produced from the same source, the layout, graphics, sound, voiceovers, etc., are almost identical in all of them.

    Beto is going to need a lot more help, these vermin have bottomless bank accounts..

  2. Well, when you can’t win on your policies, you have to distract, obfuscate, or, mostly, outright lie. The problems are all the mindless rubes that hear and accept this as gospel fact. The Republican (those apart from the wealthy elite and religious fanatics) base is truly comprised of the proudly ignorant! (Actually, I guess the religious fanatics are the mainstay of those proudly ignorant types)

  3. Johnroliphant says:

    In Navasota if you ain’t white you don’t wanna stay the night. Texas is turning blue so fast it is making my head spin. Thanks all of TWMDBSI. Love.

  4. Johnroliphant says:

    This was early 80s El Paso rock when my dad was in the army.. Free entrance and drink one dollar beer.

    https://video.search.yahoo.com/search/video?fr=mcafee&p=one+armed+scissor#id=1&vid=aba75ad9e04c57ab44484ca55c6491b9&action=click 56 year old punk rocker from que paso

  5. Similar thoughts in a WAPO opinion piece today about a superpac agenda that Ryan raised money for. Gist of it- Ryan’s flaming out in disgrace. I love the smell of panic in the morning.

  6. PS: Long ago I worked in downtown Navasota (pop ~7K), driving into town past that VFW post on TX-105/Washington, coming from Brenham, Round Top, Oldenburg, La Grange, Schulenburg, Seguin, and points SW to home. That was a commute!
    If I was working days, one benny was stopping at Blue Bell in Brenham and picking up some ice cream (if working nights I went by long before they were open in the morning).

    In Navasota the biggest employers were the schools (as is usual in any smaller TX town) and the TDC prisons outside of town. Yeah, they vote around 74% Rethug in those parts.

    Good ol’ RWNJ Chuck Norris has a ranch past Navasota. A bit to the NE off 105, near Anderson (pop ~220- yeah, two hundred something), the Grimes County seat.
    I worked behind the county courthouse too, among other garden spots in Grimes county.
    I was dumbstruck the first time I saw a well-guarded black chain gang in striped B/W shirts working in downtown Anderson. Like a movie (Cool Hand Luke?)
    Y’all librul city folk and Yankees don’t never see shit like still exists down here.

    Check out the courthouse pic and town links:

  7. Johnroliphant says: “In Navasota if you ain’t white you don’t wanna stay the night.”

    Heheh, I got that impression when I worked there, it was even worse up the road in Anderson, the county seat (see my comment above). I had a crew of mostly Mex-Am guys and a couple of black guys, mostly from big city Houston, they seemed to sense those vibes too.
    One time I made a biz trip from Houston down to Lake Jackson, Clute, etc., (culturally similar to Navasota…) with a black girl from Houston. We got close to LJ and she starts seeing these “Plantation this” and “Plantation that” signs and she commenced a fireworks display: ‘What the fock is this shit?’…

    BTW, downtown Lake Jackson actually has streets with names like “This Way” and “That Way”, etc., check out a map.

  8. Marjorie Wood says:

    Laughing. “This Way” and “That Way”–whoever named them probably couldn’t tell left from right.
    I love Beto. He doesn’t slime the slime.

  9. What is absolutely amazing here is the fact that Ted thinks this ploy will be a deciding factor for someone who has not yet made up her/his mind.


    This will convince people who have decided to vote for Cruz already [just as if they needed convincing] that they have made the correct decision. Independents will see what he’s doing and, being disgusted, will rush into O’Rourke’s arms.

    Brilliant strategy, Teddy Boy. Almost as smart as asking Trump to come down and “campaign for you” aka tell people how great he is and what a wonderful job he’s doing. Again.

  10. Tedster,,if this is all you got at this stage of the game, it is time to bow out.

  11. Sandridge, it was at least 30 years ago that I saw for the last time local convicts working on the roads wearing orange jump suits. That Arctic Orange stuff for prisoners at one time was all the rage in the penitential world. However, it was strictly used by the road work gangs. Well guarded? Hmmm. I saw only one sheriff with a shotgun with any of these gangs. I remember the time when a member of such a roadwork gang actually escaped in my neighborhood which at that time was a lot of woods, swamps, etc. The sheriff did not get excited inasmuch as he was certain that the orange jumpsuit would make the convict easy to locate. Well, they found the orange jump suit thrown in the beaver pond. There was some head scratching here by the sheriff inasmuch as a naked guy would be even easier to find but they never did. They found out later that he had on regular civilians clothes under the jump suit. And they never told us mothers at home raising kids to bring the kids inside and lock all the doors. That was also the last time there was such a roadwork gang to be seen in this county.

  12. That Other Jean says:

    JJ, “goofy” is probably the nicest thing anybody ever said about Ted Cruz. “Unrepentant slimebucket” comes a lot closer to truth.

    Go, Beto!

  13. The only thing Beto needs to take down, is Ted Cruz in November.

  14. Marjorie Wood,
    Lake Jackson was a company town (Wiki link below), laid out and mostly built by Dow Chemical Co., in the early 1940’s near the coast; Freeport & Surfside are just a couple miles down the road.
    The architect and city planner was ‘Daddy’ Dow’s son and he obviously had a sense of humor.
    I once worked in downtown Lake Jackson, a block from the place where This Way and That Way cross each other. Dr. Ron Paul’s (yeah, that one) ob-gyn medical office was across the street.
    I liked the place, even had a good German restaurant a couple blocks away (and lots of other cuisines).
    (I had the good time of working (and sort of living) in almost every town and city in south, central, and SE Texas—well it seemed like every one, plus W-TX and various other states)


    “The city’s layout and the six designs for homes were completed by Michigan architect Alden B. Dow.
    All streets radiating from downtown end in the word “Way.” Among the streets are Center Way, Winding Way, Circle Way, and Parking Way.
    There is an intersection of two streets named This Way and That Way.
    In the same spirit, a local church near Bess Brannen Elementary placed a small sign in their driveway named His Way.
    There is also an Any Way.
    Most other streets were named after some form of flora. As the city grew and common names such as Pine, Mulberry, and Oak were taken, developers had to become more creative; thus, among the plants used are Jalapeño, Tangerine, Mango, and Habañero. The highways running through Lake Jackson, (Texas Highways 288 & 332) and Oyster Creek Drive, are exceptions to the naming conventions. The naming convention of “Drive,” meaning a route into or out of town, is less honored today than in the beginning.
    Dow intentionally laid out the streets so that they seldom follow straight paths. He wanted to maintain as many trees as possible, a principle still practiced in the development of new subdivisions. In addition, he thought that curving streets provided more surprises in unfolding vistas.”

  15. The difference between Ted Cruz and a horse’s patoot is that a horse’s patoot serves a necessary function. Mind you, the output from both is the same compound- but Ted spews more of it.

  16. the canadian senator is just following that old texas campaign tactic (read LBJ bio) of making baseless charges just so his opponent has to spend time denying them and then the discussion is about what the attack touches upon.
    Now instead of talking about his agenda Beto has to waste time defending himself and waxing poetic over flag waving as he wanders into jingoism.
    Next thing will be the old where there is smoke there is fire, make up a bunch of fabricated ( redundant) accusations make opponent deny them then start talking about how they have an “excuse” for every charge and that with so much “smoke ” ( false accusations) there must be a fire somewhere. This was used against hillary very effectively. Whenever people would speak of the clinton “scandals” one would have to run down the list again to show that baseless accusations do not constitute a scandal.
    And then she had to engage with dnc chair, Debbie wasserman-schultz, which gave the thuglicans just enough of hook to recycle all the attacks again.
    Cannot fight election on teddie boy’s chosen issues. Attack.
    Next attack ask that since he has become a acolyte of the demented one that means his father was involved in JFK assignation. Ask to actually see his mothers “reported” documents that she renounced her US citizenship while in Canada and hence teddie is not qualified for office. Run birther attack.
    Use surrogates to get down in the mud and start flinging it with abandon. We know this is the thuglican strategy so don’t react to it but rather instigate it.
    Make the entire campaign of making the canadian senator deny one attack after another. Nothing is sacred or untouchable. Thugs have shown that. Family, service ( remember trashing of Kerry), religion, children, friends anything is fair game.
    I know this strategy is repugnant to many but just as the pacifist’s of 1930’s oxford took up arms and sank into the mud of battle to beat those who brought battle to them so must the d’s be willing to do whatever is legal and sink into the mud to beat the thuglicans with whatever is usable even if it is just “some people are asking …..”
    Faux has perfected it. The thuglicans will keep attacking with lies just to make Beto waste time denying them and then use the denials suspicious.
    Reverse the roles in this scenario.

  17. I think ‘ole slimy, skeezy Ted is running scared. He has nothing positive to talk about, no accomplishments in the Senate other than being a giant butt and a face no one can love.

  18. Like some of the other commentators, I lived in Brenham for a number of years, so have been to and through Navasota countless times. It is a dump extraordinaire, held captive by a few monied folks. It has a well-earned nickname: NastySoda.

  19. With apologies to horses’ patooties.

  20. Every time Cruz says something disgusting and slimy about Beto, it reminds me to go to Act Blue and send Beto another $25. I imagine I’m not the only one.

  21. There’s a word for the likes of Ted Cruz. It rhymes with chicken spit.

  22. Jane & PKM says:

    K, I’ll play! 😀

    Let’s resurrect all of Donnie’s old National Enquirer front pages with Crooze senior, father to the Detested one, rumored to have killed JFK. The campaign ads are already in the can; “Lyin’ Ted”, etc. all courtesy of Donnie.

  23. Some people have asked how did teddie’s daddy get out of cuba without official assistence? Was he sent her to establish a “sleeper” cell for the overthrow of the US constitition?
    With his babbleing about “dominionist’s” and attacking secular roots of the government he certainaly appears to be doing all he can to undercut the legitimacy of the Gov.

    No accusations just some questions some people have asked.

  24. Nancy Wickman says:

    Off topic, but I had to tell you about a conversation I had this morning with my Congressman, Dan Kildee, one of the good guys. I asked him if I were to to say “America’s dumbest congressman”, who the first one to come to mind. Maybe he was just being circumspect, but he thought about it and said there were several that would fit that category. But his assistant immediately answered Louie Gohmert! Dan agreed he would be in his top five.

  25. I believe it was John who mentioned Lyin Ryan’s PAC funding these despicable attack ads. The WaPo article surmised that since the Pootiepublicans have no accomplishments to run on, all they can do is lie. They’ve begun running ads all across the country, wherever there is a tight race, and the ads are pure lies. How trumpian of them.

    I’d suggest that. The Pootiepublicans are truly the party of Pootie’s Puppet and are campaigning just like he did, piling up lies higher and faster than anyone has ever seen before. I’d like to see the Democratic Party attack the Pootiepublicans as the Party of the Liar-in-Chief and the Party of Lies. I want people to distrust every single Pootiepublican ad they see.

    I think that would take pressure off our Democratic candidates so they can focus on their own campaigns and more easily discredit their opponent.


  26. Remember when chamblis smeared Max Cleland, a veteran that had lost 3 limbs in combat, by having his face morph into Osama bin ladens face in the 2002 election. Yhe one where the famous “rob georgia” software patch was installed the weekend before with no notice or prior testing. Notable also was sainted john must of felt that Max Cleland wasn’t a “true” veteran because he kept his mouth shut while his fellow thuglican smeared Cleland and then welcomed chamblis to the senate.
    So run ads in every district and state where every thuglicans face is morphed into puties via demented donnies.

  27. yet another baby boomer says:

    Sandridge @14 – Have to add that I once spent about three weeks in Midland, MI (work related) and visited the Alden B. Dow home and studio. He studied with Frank Lloyd Wright and his own work reflects that. My favorite part of the house had a model train set that ran around the perimeter of the playroom up near the ceiling. During the tour of the house/studio the docent talked about Lake Jackson. When he found out that my colleague and I were from Houston he was stunned that we hadn’t a clue about Alden’s planning of Lake Jackson. Wonder how many, if any, of the homes he planned down there still exist. https://www.abdow.org

    And yes, of course, Ted is slimey greaseball (I know, redundant). Does he even know how to be a real person?

  28. Linda Phipps says:

    I would in interested in seeing how far Rafael Cruz gets with trying to smear O’Rourke for trying to sound “Hispanic”, while he is trying to sound, what, maybe Swedish or something? What a joke. I almost wish Beto were in Virginia so I could vote for him. What I also wish is that I could claim that I voted for Trump so I could go public with my dismay for voting for him.

  29. This is pathetic!

    “Our campaign…did not…It is incorrect…We have hosted dozens…we always ensure…”, Blah, blah, blah.

    Basically, a sniveling, whiny-kid’s: “No we didn’t…”

    Damn. You just wasted time and space repeating the lie giving it even more coverage when you should have gotten right in their mugs and call them – and Erickson – LIARS, Again! Make THEM defend themselves.
