Whoop! There It Is!

January 29, 2019 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

I have something for you to look at.



Okay, okay, that’s assuming that Trump is still the nominee in 2020, but even if not, he’s a sinker the size of Dallas tied around every Republican candidate in the state.

Chris Homan is a GOP activist in Houston …

“Because of what happened organically on the Democrat side, Republicans in Texas have a large organizational gap that exists. In 2018, we simply did not have the kind of people and activists at the scale the Democrats enjoyed. This is a significant advantage the Democrats have going into this cycle,” Homan said.

Yo Cowboy Chris – that’s because you guys are old, hateful, and dying of meanness.  Democrats can still walk and rarely have to get to the cafeteria by 4:00 for dinner. Plus, they don’t run the opposite direction when they see someone darker than a paper sack.

Do you realize that once Texas turns blue, you will never see another Republican in the White House?  The Electoral College may have bought them this election, but then they are screwed to eternity.


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