Mr. Out of His League

January 29, 2019 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Whoa, I watched Matthew Whitaker say of the Mueller investigation:  “is, I think, close to being completed, and I hope that we can get the report from Director Mueller as soon as possible.”

Oh, so he thinks and hopes?  Well Honey, I think Dennis Quaid is really dreamy and I hope he asks me out to dinner.  That ain’t gonna happen either.

And did you notice how he started sweating like a sinner in church?  Holy cow – I’ve seen glasses of ice tea on a humid day sweat less than that.  I hope he didn’t leave a little sweat ring on the floor there in the press room.

Whitaker had an audience of one – Trump. This is a desperate scream from Trump.  But forcing people to say that it’s soon to be over doesn’t make it soon to be over.  It only makes them sweat.  And that, my friends, is really unattractive.

I hope they had a shower and a change of clothes for this guy.


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0 Comments to “Mr. Out of His League”

  1. Sarah Sanders looks like my thumb would look if it had a face and hair. Whitaker looks like my thumb would look if it had a face and ears.

    What is it with all these thumb heads?

  2. Oh honey, you make my day!

  3. Jane & PKM says:

    Everyone loves a parade. In these two eternal years there has been an endless parade of Nostrodumbasses ‘predicting’ for the benefit of Donnie’s ears only that the Mueller investigation was nearly complete. Odds are some day one of them will be correct and the investigation will end in two weeks. All that remains to be seen is how many more Nostrodumbasses appear before one of them is correct. Meanwhile pResident Not A Clue is mollified by his court jesters.

    For some reason as depressing as that might be, it’s actually comforting to know Donnie the stable genius is the ‘negotiating’ speed bump between Speaker Pelosi and her agenda. Old Scratch McConnell has suddenly become irrelevant, as NDP speeds away without a ripple.

  4. Isn’t that what Rudy said awhile ago? And a few others if I’m not mistaken.

  5. Grandma Ada says:

    The attorneys that I know are very well spoken; Whitaker must have missed the classes they had in public speaking. He also missed the memo regarding speaking about active investigations.

  6. So he just joined an already overcrowded lifeboat. This is something various people, usually R’s, have been saying for some time. And then it turns out that Mueller still has the heat on and his staffers show absolutely no signs of fatigue!

  7. Susan on the Left Coast says:

    Just a thought:

    I think it needs to be emphasized that the Trump team has perpetrated ‘espionage’ (the illegal practice to obtain political and military information, to convey false reports or false statements)

  8. slipstream says:

    Mueller’s long string of indictments have demonstrated that:

    1. Russian “operatives” hacked the DNC’s emails.
    2. Russia turned the emails over to Wikileaks.
    3. Roger stone coordinated release of the emails with Julian Assange.
    4. “Senior campaign officials” coordinated with Roger Stone.
    5. A senior campaign officials was “directed” to tell Stone to conspire with the Russians with the purpose of harming Hillary Clinton’s campaign.

    So the next step is: who has the authority to “direct” a senior Trump campaign official to engage in criminal conspiracy?

    It’s a short list, and all the last names are Trump and Kushner.

    I am summarizing from this article:

  9. Wow. Whitaker speaks like he got his degree from the Grace L. Ferguson Storm Door Company and School of Law. I hope he didn’t have to pay too much for it.

  10. That wasn’t heat sweat, it was flop sweat. Whitaker looked like somebody had a gun aimed at him. He didn’t want to be there.
    Could it be that he has suddenly realized what he has been asked to do has no upside? He will go down with that filthy ship.

  11. Woah.

    I thought he was going to have a heart attack…

  12. Lunargent says:

    Swear to God, he looked exactly like they’d stuck him under a broiler.

  13. Old Quaker says:

    What I continue to eonder is, how did a grifter like Whitaker get confirmed as a US Attorney. Generslly folks getting that job are excellent.

  14. Old Quaker says:

    I assume Whitaker was selected by senior senator from Iowa, Chuck Grassley. What a dick!

  15. And now the Orange excrement is tweeting his rebuttal to his national security experts saying n korea, isis, Russia are still threats. How dare they see a threat just because it’s right in front of them??! I suspect the professionals are grateful he has not called them to the oval…….they get enough of his nonsense in the briefings he ignores…….
