Whoa, Whoa, Pull In On Them Reins, Cowboy.

February 27, 2020 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Okay, when Trump up and decided for no good reason whosoever that Mike Pence should head up saving us all from Coronavirus when the poor man can’t even save himself from being alone with a woman, it seemed kinda not thought out really well.

Well, yeah.

Health and Human Services Secretary Alex Azar, who has been leading the coronavirus task force, was blindsided by the White House decision to put Vice President Pence in charge of the response to the virus outbreak, the Washington Post reports.  Azar learned of the decision only moments before the Wednesday evening press conference.

In all fairness, that’s when they decided it. If Hope Hicks had not stopped at the bathroom on the way to the press conference, she’d be in charge of it.

And, admit it, y’all didn’t even know who Alex Azar is, did you? You thought he was the guy in charge of changing the light bulbs every five years,


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0 Comments to “Whoa, Whoa, Pull In On Them Reins, Cowboy.”

  1. Of course he put VP Pants in charge. Azar isn’t qualified to be the fall guy when the shit hits the fan. Making the VP the fall guy would allow Donnie Dimwit to replace him on the 2020 ticket. And insulate him from blame.

  2. Wait. If Donnie* was at the press conference and Hope Hicks was in the bathroom, just who’s too long red tie is she protecting?

    Mike Pence. Let us prey, Mike Pence. We’re feeling so much better about COVID-19 (end snark)

    Au contraire, Ms. Juanita Jean Herownself. He’s the dude out there making all of us feel all warm and fuzzy about Big Pharma not capitalizing on any vaccines to combat COVID-19. Just kidding. Alex has carefully explained why any vaccines will be fast tracked onto the Martin Shkreli business model.

  3. Pence? Sure! That’s exactly what’s needed, here, a political solution!

    There is no judgement there, at all.

  4. One weird observation: All the science staff were short. Or at least much shorter than Boss Tweet.

    Either the scientists came up with this as a compensatory mechanism, or they’re the only ones left(?). And that doesn’t say much for Cheatolini’s selection process…

  5. Texas Expat in CA says:

    I agree with Ann. My first thought on hearing the news was that Pence is being set up to fail, because 45 never really liked him. And it could have been worse–this could have been added to Jared’s ridiculously large portfolio!

  6. thatotherjean says:

    In this administration, it doesn’t matter who’s in charge of whatever task force they cobble together to protect us from COVID-19. All the competent people have been fired or left on their own, and all we have left are incompetent hacks. Pence is as good as anybody else who isn’t a scientist, since Trump would never consider anybody who actually knew something about what they were supposed to be doing. Pence is only there so that he can be blamed and replaced on the Republican ticket when he fails.

  7. We’re all aboard an airliner at 34,000′ and the PIC, copilot, and ATC are all stoned chimpanzees. Even if you brought a parachute you won’t be able to use it.
    Pence, and the rest, don’t even believe in evolution, or that the Earth and the universe are more than 6K years old.
    COVID-19 is a textbook case of [viral] evolution, and virii have been doing it for millions of years.

    Meanwhile, the global markets are having another meltdown day.
    The DJIA has been off as much as ~800pts today, att it has recovered to only -450.
    The crude oil price continues to crater, off 4.25%, ~$46.50/bbl now and falling [it was recently ~$62]. At these prices many fracking operations are losing money bigtime. Gold is up.
    Ever wonder about market ‘shorts’? Bet the Russkis are playing it with their Trump Crime Org puppets.

  8. Sam in Superior says:

    The most important thing to know about Alex Azar is that he’s the US Attorney who gave Epstein a free pass.

  9. Best thing about the COVID show- Pence wiping his nose with his fingers. https://twitter.com/maladamus/status/1232883197945380864?s=20
    Oh yeah, he’s the guy to lead infectious disease efforts.

  10. Closet Optimist says:

    Did anyone else wonder where the US Surgeon General was for this press conference? Did I miss him getting fired?

  11. Buttermilk Sky says:

    You may have noticed that Dr. Nancy Messonnier, director of the National Center for Immunization and Respiratory Diseases, was not invited to the big press conference. That’s because she’s the sister of Rod Rosenstein and therefore part of the conspiracy to destroy Trump. A Medal of Freedom recipient said so.

    Here’s a piece about Pence’s handling of HIV in Indiana. I’m going out to buy a haz-mat suit.


  12. Grandma Ada says:

    I was just at Walmart and there was no hand sanitizer. Walgreen’s had 5 small bottles and I bought 2. People are not waiting for His majesty to save us!

  13. Don’t depend on dense pence for anything that does not include a large slug of God.
    Science, not so much. He is an idiot. And, yes, I live in Indiana and we were happy to see him leave.

  14. If this virus “takes root” here I wonder what will happen if the CDC wants to warn people to stay away from large groups in semi-contained areas such as football/baseball/basketball stadiums or at political rally’s.
    Would the demented one just claim magical powers over “their” events that would protect the participiants/ audience from this virus? ( you know the same sort of magic that protects women from pregnancy during a rape – according to thuglican legislaturers)

  15. Jane & PKM says:

    Fran seyer @13, please do not tell me that Larry Bird is a jack wagon, too. Sorry, but if so, Indiana is 0/3 with Pence and Buttigieg. fwiw Loved your Pacers when Reggie Miller was there.

    And, no Lincoln does not count. While he did live in Indiana for a period of time, he was born in Kentucky. Also he was prescient; must have known Pence was coming, so he moved to Illinois.

  16. Word is that those gel-type “hand sanitizers don’t work.”

    Google it.

  17. Sam, wrong Alex. This Alex is the former CEO of EI Lily pharmaceutical. The Epstein Alex is Alex Accosta, Secty of Labor.
    Nothing but the best for our Orange POS!

  18. Unlike previous health threats where the Gov. ensured that necessary vaccines were affordable or free to ensure herd resistence this admin. is unwilling to ensure that the “private” sector does not price gouge, ala epi pens or other case.

  19. Jane & PKM says:

    k, to the question:

    Q: How could Alex Azur possibly out Alex A-hole himself after his Epstein debacle?
    A: Adopt the Martin Shkreli business model on how to price gauge for life saving drugs.

    Oh k, it’s almost Friday, and if too many days go by without you calling me a baby merc, you know I feel unloved. j/k Here’s an article about blindness to power we think you might find interesting. https://www.counterpunch.org/2020/02/27/how-we-stay-blind-to-the-story-of-power/

  20. Ormond
    With 60 % alcohol it does if you cannot wash your hands.

    Cdc.gov under prevention.

  21. The Surly Professor says:

    For those wondering how Trump decided on Mikey, it’s because of his outstanding training in public health care:

    ‘The decision to put Mr. Pence in charge was made on Wednesday after the president told some people that the vice president didn’t “have anything else to do,” according to people familiar with the president’s comments.’

    source: https://www.nytimes.com/2020/02/27/us/politics/us-coronavirus-pence.html?action=click&module=Top%20Stories&pgtype=Homepage

    There, doesn’t that reassure us all?

  22. So if Pence is being set up to fail, who is the VP replacement? My money is on Nikki Haley. She’s been sucking up hard lately to prove her bona fides to the wingnut base and Trump himself. The evangelicals will not abandon Trump even if he jettisons Pence and Haley will bring in some women who might not otherwise vote for him. Anybody have any other candidates that are not currently serving time?

  23. I hear Sarah Palin is available.
    Matt Gaetz? Stephen Miller? Dana Roar-Bitcher?
    Roy Moore? He’s familiar with things that involve close contact.

  24. Sooo … let me see if I have this straight …

    after cutting the CDC budget, dismantling the disease surveillance program, the reporting channels and research and materiel preparedness programs …

    and having done nothing to repair any of this damage Trump claims we are absolutely prepared and ready, the literal #1 nation for preparedness.

    He then puts the Little Wooden boy in charge of defending the nation against the Corona virus.

    I think I saw a micro-expression go across Pence’s face. It was the look of a man who looked up and just seen the bus he is going to be thrown under round the corner.

    I mean, if the country is so profoundly prepared (it isn’t) the ball is (according to Trump) metaphorically laying directly in front of an undefended goal. This should be easy. If he fails it is going to be depicted as being entirely his fault.

    I hear the engine. I smell the exhaust. Okay puppet boy, time to take one for the team.

    Nikki Haley would be an obvious choice. The question is: after seeing Pence thrown onto a grenade, is she willing to take the job? I think not. The lady has her limits.

    Betsy DeVos might go for it. She is oblivious enough to see what is being done to Pence. Besides, after a bus, or two, she still has her yacht collection to comfort her. She has long ago had her sense of shame and gag reflex surgically removed.

  25. “Put in charge of” – translation: figure head, as in piñata at a party. There will always be ranked under this guy at least a few people who know where the pencil sharpener is.

  26. The Surly Professor says:

    With or without an effective response to COV-19, what will really sink Trump is the tanking of the stock market. The market is the one thing that he can point to as not being fluxed up by his administration (although it was bequethed to him by Obama).

    It’s sad that America has come to this. It won’t matter if thousands of people die or are saved – it’s stock and bond prices that is the important criteria.

  27. Art, @24 Bitsy as VP? Oh hell no. Although she would be perfect to replace Pence as Czarina de Virus. Look what she has done for education. If Bitsy replicated that mean feat for the CDC no one would receive COVID-19, except she and her wealthiest friends.
