Louie Gohmert Is Gettin’ A Rope

February 27, 2020 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Oh y’all, it’s Louie on the Shame Train.

The Emmett Till Anti-Lynching Bill finally passed congress, 100 years after 14 year old Emmett Till was lynched for allegedly whistling at a white woman.  The bill passed congress this week on a 401-4 vote.  Louie, of course, was one of the no votes.

Louie says he voted no because the punishment wasn’t strong enough. Yeah, we believe that. Especially since the last thing closest to a lynching I can recall was the 1998 murder of James Byrd, Jr., who, for no reason whatsoever other than the color of his skin, was dragged behind a pickup truck in deep east Texas until his body fell apart in pieces. Three young white nationalists were charged and convicted of his murder.

That was in Louie’s district. James Byrd’s gravesite continues to be defaced to this day, including Louie’s vote.


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0 Comments to “Louie Gohmert Is Gettin’ A Rope”

  1. Louie is of course the expected embarrassment, but what’s wrong with Justin Amash?

  2. Okey Dopey, Louie! Louie once again elevating the status of used car salesmen and other maligned scapegoats with a piece of a bridge he doesn’t own to sell to us.

    At the end of a Louie rant seems an appropriate place to drop an O/T rant of my own. Thanks John Roberts for Citizens United, also known as money talks in politics. There’s a political PAC in SC running an attack ad against Joe Biden using an Obama impersonator reading words out of Obama’s book to make it appear as if he were attacking Biden. That’s distortion, polite speak for LIE. Then there are the ads Magic Mike ran in NV full of spin claiming he is the “black mans’ best friend.” Albeit Mike is a bit of a dog and he was part of a philanthropic effort to raise money and mentor small businesses in minority communities, but there was also “stop and frisk” Mike. Grrrrrrrr … money in politics.

  3. I imagine someday, after Louie has departed God’s green earth, he’ll be stopped at the gates of hell and told, “hang on Buckaroo, we have V.I.P. accommodations for you and your racist friends. The punishment in Regular Hell isn’t strong enough.”

  4. Not to be too picky, but Emmett Till was killed in 1955, 65 years ago, not 100.

  5. Juanita Jean Herownself says:

    Sorry, Henry. I can’t even blame coffee on this one. This can only be blamed on dumb and too damn lazy to go look it up.

  6. Grandma Ada says:

    I had hoped that Matt Gaetz had succeeded Louie as dumbest representative but I’m wrong again!

  7. Ms. Juanita Jean Herownself, while it great that you accept responsibility so readily, not so fast. That mysterious 100 number pops up in the original article and if you were speed reading and not doing the math, a natural error.

    “Congress has tried for more than 100 years to pass a measure that would make lynching a federal hate crime. The measure is named after Emmett Till, who was brutally beaten and lynched in Mississippi in 1955 after he allegedly whistled at a white woman. He was 14 years old at the time.”

  8. Louie’s idea of maximum punishment for lynching is something i want to hear, that is, if he can say something without spitting. I think he uses that spitting as a distraction from the fact that he hasn’t any idea of what he is really saying. This guy is the upright example of dementia. Cannot figure out why he isn’t in a special “home”.
