
January 12, 2021 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

I heard it with my own two ears.

The Department of Justice (DOJ) is working to build sedition and conspiracy charges against some of the rioters who stormed the Capitol last week, the top federal prosecutor for Washington, D.C., said Tuesday.

Michael Sherwin, the acting U.S. Attorney for D.C., says he’s putting together a team – a strike force – to begin investigation for the high possible crimes on people who tried to pull off a coup while advertising it on social media.  They have already charged 70 cases and are currently investigating 170 more.

Hey, it looks like they are taking this seriously.  I hope it’s just not Show for Joe.


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0 Comments to “Whoa!”

  1. RepubAnon says:

    I expect the professional staff are very angry at Barr and Trump. That could explain their attitude.

    I do hope Trump doesn’t see this, and issue the demonstrators a blanket pardon… of course, there’s still be DC city laws.

  2. Jane & PKM says:

    Due process and long overdue, “justice delayed is justice denied.”

    As fans of the SPLC and readers of their blog Hatewatch, we are of the opinion while Donnie was the catalyst these past 4 years Congress bears responsibility, too. Congress has been loath for decades to confront home grown white terrorists. Hell, even the FBI report (Jan 5th) admitted they are baffled as to how First Amendment rights to free speech tangle with with threat assessment. Wonder if they consider that question asked and answered after the 6th?


  3. Steve from Beaverton says:

    As soon as they get serious about filing charges against those that were and are the head of the snake, I’ll take them seriously. I think everyone knows which people called on the mob that showed up to come to DC and just minutes before the attack started, incited them to storm the capital. It’s on video on 1/6 and many times days and weeks prior. It was Trumpfs event on 1/6 and his employees and family called for violence WHICH HAPPENED. And murder happened. So, I’m not yet sure how serious they are yet.
    And the threats keep coming and repugnanticans are blaming democrats, so the party of Trumpf isn’t serious in their condemnation of the insurrection.

  4. Jane & PKM says:

    Interesting strategy Chuck Schumer is considering for the Senate: Congressional Review Act, a 1996 law that allows a new Congress to roll back rules and regulations. Since it is based on “working days” that involves anything Donnie and his maladministration have done since August. Hail hail for the effort, especially in the area of Donnie selling off drilling rights in fragile ecosystems. Steny Hoyer is also working that avenue for the House; hope he consults Katie Porter and Adam Schiff, two brilliant legal strategists.

    It would be a stretch since Presidential pardons appear to be inviolable, unlike treaties. To stretch a stretch, should the House impeach Donnie again with the unlikelihood Mitch will convict, or slam down a 25 the 45 on Pence, it’s one hell of a legal question if some of the pardons can go poof.

    lol. yeah. Such worry about legalities after Moscow Mitch stomped all over Senate rules & procedures. But with the current SCROTUS expect a demand that a Democratic administration and Congress will be held to exacting legal standards on a good day. The bad days will include whatever Alito pulls out of Clarence’s colostomy bag.

    Unconsciously. Inadvertently. Somehow raised the next question – has John Roberts lost control of SCROTUS?

  5. For all those who still think the Dems are over-reacting, if the shoe were on the other foot, it would be the Repugnicants who have their hair on fire!

  6. Jane & PKM says:

    maggie there is photo evidence of how the Republicons over reach and react from last summer when they allowed Donnie* to subvert the rule of law to attack peaceful protestors.

    A picture is worth a thousand words:


  7. I hope that Drumpf fails to pardon everyone involved in the putsch, but I have no idea whether he will or not. Maybe not; it could expose him to obstruction of justice charges; then again, it’s yet one more FU he can leave on his way out the door.

    If he does not, then it seems like those involved should see an ascending scale of justice. Being there was a hanging offense (treason (yes, really), sedition, trespassing in the capitol (felony), felony murder, seditious conspiracy, and patriot act) any or all of which should allow them to be put away indefinitely.
    There will be plenty of evidence, between the Parler debacle, cellphone records, airline tickets, … for the FBI/special counsel to flesh out the networks between the many white supremacist, nationalist, militias, &c. organizations present.
    Anyone there with weapons and/or zip ties and the like should definitely see a long stretch.
    I don’t know what should be done about people like (Karen) “Elizabeth from Knoxville”: stupid is its own issue. A few years learning about civics might help, but scaring the (!*&# out of them is certainly called for.

  8. Elizabeth Moon says:

    Every adult person involved should be prosecuted to the full extent of the law for everything that happened. Treat ’em as they (and the law) treat Black people in a mass marching down the street for justice…blame them for every broken pane of glass, every drop of pee on the carpets, every lump of caca del mano (in a species form) on the floor or walls, every death that occurred, every injury, every single crime committed. No white privilege, no sympathy. (I am outraged that the guy who stole Pelosi’s lecturn got out of jail because he’s a stay at home dad and his children need him…how about the many Black fathers jailed for minor misdeeds, whose children needed *them*??)
