Who The Hell?

November 17, 2022 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Okay, so here’s the deal.  At every swearing-in ceremony for new citizens, the League of Women Voters – a long standing non partisan group of do-gooders across the country volunteer their time to register voters and educate people on the voting process.  Voting is the first right of citizenship.

I am blessed to have a good friend who volunteers with The League.  For 20 years, they register voters all across the greater Houston area.  They go to high schools, civic events, and just about any place they are needed.

Once a month, they report to the swearing-in location at 5:00 am to set up for a ceremony that does not start until 9:00.  Usually about 2,000 people are sworn in.  They register 88 to 90% of attendees.

They make the wheels of democracy work.

Until now.


Not only have they being kept from registering voters, they are even banned from attending.

Judge Doofus says he didn’t know this 20 year old tradition was a 20 year old tradition. However, he says he was only appointed in 2019 so how can we expect him to know everything?  Seriously, Judge Goofy?

We know exactly what he was doing.  He was saying that people who play by the rules, study hard, pass all necessary exams and paperwork, and harbor a deep dream of living in a democracy don’t need to carry that to extremes, like you know, voting.

The League has reacted graciously and say they are disappointed but they know they are guests at these events and will accept that.  But deep inside in a tiny whisper they are saying, “What the hell, you ungracious jerk. You had to go out of your way to do this.”


0 Comments to “Who The Hell?”

  1. I hope they aren’t so gracious that they don’t appeal this.

  2. It would be interesting to know if anyone filed a suit to enjoin the LWV from attending, or if the judge just decided on his own to refuse their otherwise pro forma request – but then, it is the Comical we’re dealing with… (I’m betting on the latter)

  3. I lay this at the feet of the Federalist Society and their Rethug enablers. TFG picked all of his judiciary nominees directly from the list the FS handed him. A pox on all their houses.

  4. Michele Hancock says:

    Yes, the League of Women Voters is a “long standing group” (100+ years). We are emphatically non-partisan. Please don’t label us with the somewhat passive, slightly derogatory epithet “do-gooder.” We conduct in-depth research on a wide variety of issues; give testimony at all levels of government: local, state, federal, and at the United Nations. State Leagues file amicus briefs in court cases. Most important: we register voters, organize & hold public candidate forums, and do thousands of voter education programs. Check us out here: https://www.lwvtexas.org and here: lwv.org

  5. Twenty years? My aunt Fanny. It was a time honored tradition when I was active in the LWV 50 years ago. Was that nit wit’s staff just appointed, too. Somebody working for that judge should have brought him up to speed. Maybe they did.

  6. Pelosi has told MAGA “ Find another windmill to tilt at, I’m outta here. “ They whipped on her as viciously as they did Mrs. Clinton. Truth was never part of their message in either case.

  7. Buttermilk Sky says:

    The war on democracy continues.

  8. “people who play by the rules, study hard, pass all necessary exams and paperwork”

    Taking a citizenship test, and successfully passing it is hard work. Much more difficult then being born in the US and turning 18 years old, the other qualification to vote in an election. I would bet a pile of cash $ (and I’m not a betting man) that newly sworn in citizens have a better understanding about America and our history than most… (insert red state voter descriptor here).

  9. The Surly Professor says:

    I’ve always had a soft spot for the LWV, and am not surprised that multiple patrons of this Salon have worked with it. Their voting guides were a tremendous help when I was a new voter (many decades ago). They ran debates between candidates as genuine debates, not glitzy opportunities for the ignorant to throw bumper sticker slogans around.

    We’ll have to get used to the phrase “Trump-appointed judge” as a euphemism for “law-ignorant snollygoster”.

  10. Judge Eskridge was nominated from the Federalist Society list by Ted Cruz and John Cornyn. He graduated from Pepperdine University School of Law which is a faith based law school in Malibu, CA. Enough said about that. This is a bonehead ruling by a bonehead judge and I hope they appeal.

  11. Mah Fellow Murkuhn says:

    Anyone can attend the naturalization ceremonies. They’re open to the public. Nobody checks to see if you’re affiliated with any group, you just walk in and find a seat somewhere. It is not in any judge’s power to prohibit anyone from attending.

  12. I would suggest you notify the ACLU about that so something can be done. If that doesn’t work talk to Mark Elias at Democracy Docket. They may be guests, but the judge is using taxpayers’ facilities.

    Ask your son if this is legal. Doesn’t sound right to me.

  13. treehugger says:

    Just 3 years ago this month I was privileged to witness the citizenship ceremony of my beloved daughter-in-law. When it was over and we finished the photo ops, we exited the room and the first thing she did was head to the LWV table and register to vote. She was so happy. And she wasn’t the only one; almost all the new citizens were lined up with her. She texted me after the 2020 election and told me how thrilled she was to be able to vote (for Biden). To think that this judge has denied the same opportunity for new citizens in the greater Houston area is disgusting. I hope suits are filed to overturn.

  14. Opinionated Hussy says:

    Well, you know, if they’re out in the hall, they aren’t attending. I believe as long as they have legal access to the building they can set up their table any old where.

    My favorite sister is a part of this fine group (LWV) in another state, but I’m too partisan for that. I’m out every Fall registering voters on our local college campus – clipboard in hand. And while I’m a Yellow Dog Democrat, I register every young voter who’s interested, whichever Party they check on the form.

  15. CaptainDan says:

    Dan says thanks for ALL Yellow Dog Democrats and all other Democrats! Even those who register Repugnuts to vote!

    I was born in Texas and live here again after five years as a USAF officer with duty stations at Grand Fork AFB in North
    Dakota and another in Blythville, Arkansas.

    I never got warm during the Dakota winters, even though I was issued a parka with a fur lining!

    I was required to return the parka when I was transferred to
    Blytheville AFB base in Arkansas. I never miss the air force, but I do regret not having the parka even though Texas winters are much milder than Dakota winters.
