Who Could Have Guess?

April 28, 2020 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

The Short Version:



The Hissy Fit Version:

Her name is Audrey Whitlock and she believes that the Democratic Governor’s stay-at-home order violates her First Amendment Rights and her religious freedom.  So, to fix that evil stuff, she decided to go out and infect as many people as she could to prove she loves Jesus.

Audrey ain’t alone.

Davidson county resident Colleen Gill Sprinkle told WXII that she disapproves of the restrictions despite having lost her 88-year-old father to the virus and becoming infected herself.

Colleen says it’s not right that you can go to the grocery store but you can’t go to church.  The way I figure it, Colleen needs to get her butt to church real bad because she killed her damn Dad with a virus she caught out playing around at a political rally.  Colleen, you don’t need church, you need a come to Jesus meeting and Jesus says he’ll meet you alone in your closet.

Oh Sweet Jesus, protect us from your followers.


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