Where we are

November 09, 2022 By: Nick Carraway Category: Uncategorized

“We all know that Democrats are evil.” — Anonymous Facebook poster

The poster above wasn’t really anonymous, but I didn’t want to besmirch her good name by posting this for everyone to see. We often post on friends walls and simply assume everyone that reads it thinks like we do. Beyond the more global implications that we will get to in a minute, I had to grapple with the fact that someone was calling me evil.

Language is a precise thing. I’ve been trying to teach my daughter that ever since she was little. We correct her grammar. We correct her spelling. More than anything, we correct the syntax that she uses when making statements and asking questions. Words matter. One can’t help but have a tiny bit of introspection when something like this happens. Am I writing off thousands of people as evil myself?

The midterm election results are still flowing in. We probably won’t know the exact breakdown for a few days, but it seems that we have more or less maintained the status quo. There might be an isolated senator here or a representative there, but the numbers should roughly shake out about the same. Of course, how anyone interprets that is clearly up to them.

In fact, the battle in Georgia is prominently on my mind. It pits Raphael Warnock against Hershel Walker. One of those is a minister that most people say is a good man even if they disagree with his stances on the issues. He is thoughtful, intelligent, and caring. His opponent is none of those things. Maybe Mr. Walker was intelligent at one time. Maybe his brain was irreparably damaged from years of concussions on the football field.

Even the most hardened of Democrats, liberals, or leftists have to feel sorry for Walker. He was clearly used for his fame and name recognition in spite of the fact that no one could claim he has any business being near the Senate. That race is almost even as I write this. I’m not sure which way it will go and that thought is absolutely frightening. It means that nearly 50 percent of the voting public either think substantially like the woman above or don’t think at all.

Either way, we have to acknowledge eventually that we are electing people. Our democratic system isn’t built to elect ideologies. It was built to elect people. Maybe in some places you could pull the lever for red or blue and simply trust the party to appoint the right people accordingly. We don’t live in one of those places.

Perhaps, we have been far too eager to defeat an ideology and have allowed ourselves to vote for bad people because we see the other side as the enemy. I also know this is an gross simplification of the problem and steers us into “both sides” territory. Perhaps that is part of the problem altogether. Perhaps one side is doing this far more often than the other. At this point, I have to admit that I am biased and therefore not completely capable of arbitrating this point.

These are all fair criticisms and all points of view are welcome. The point is that someone like Hershel Walker shouldn’t be allowed anywhere near Washington. He never should have gotten this far in the first place. An election is a decision between two or more people. As citizens we need to elect the best among us. If we want the best possible government then we can do nothing less.

0 Comments to “Where we are”

  1. ” As citizens we need to elect the best among us. If we want the best possible government then we can do nothing less.” That eliminates rePUKEians from office.

  2. Just one of many similar races, but Georgia’s Senate race between Warnock and Walker is simply incredible [as in unbelievable].

    Herschel Walker doesn’t even speak ‘word salad’, it’s more like ‘word goulash’, wherein you can’t even recognize any of the ingredients.
    He says four sentences, and maybe one of them is possibly cogent, the other three are simply gibberish.

    And yet there he is, tied neck and neck with a superb communicator and obviously intelligent opponent [I’m skittish as all hell about a cleric in government, but Warnock seems to walk the line].
    How can millions of people blindly support such a cretin? That’s the scary thing.
    As is the fact that there is a sizable Georgia third-party, mostly Libertarian, vote in the Senate race, that will probably break for the Rethug Walker in a runoff. That’s the really scary bit…

    “That race is almost even as I write this. I’m not sure which way it will go and that thought is absolutely frightening.
    —It means that nearly 50 percent of the voting public either think substantially like the woman above —or don’t think at all—.”

    Or ‘blindly follow what their masters tell them to do’, would best fit the soupy shitshow that is today’s Republican Party.

  3. Steve from Beaverton says:

    Sandridge, look no further than mt greene to understand Georgia voters. She’s a cancer that has spread out of control in Georgia and the main symptom is supporting her, trumpf and people like Walker- politicians with no brains, only hate.
    I was glad that boobert lost in CO because she fits the mold of mt greene.

  4. There is no defense against willful ignorance. Rethugs portend to believe the Big Lie because they want to possess money and power, and supporting idiots endorsed by the Insurrectionist-in-Chief no matter what their ilk, gets them what they want. There is no need for intelligence, character nor love of country. A warm (debatable) body will suffice. Of course they cast Democrats as evil for we would deprive them of their desired possessions. In Trump World, up is down and good is evil.

  5. Thank goodness enough clear thinking Americans nationally, chose to stand up to the T-rump endorsements and prevented an R takeover.

  6. Sandridge says:

    Steve @ 3, Boobert losing was kinda surprising. She was wackier than Empty Greene though, a far out Xristo-fascist theocrat who may have scared even the average MAGAots.
    MTG sure puts the cracker back in Geohjaa though. Arkansass’s sinking fast too, with Scarah taking over.

    Not that any other state can hold a flare to Texass. Man, we gots some real wieners up and down the line.
