Where Was Cathy Then?
Most of y’all know about True The Vote, which wants anything but the truth. They simply want to disenfranchise voters.
I want to give y’all a little bit of inside information. The President of True the Vote, a certain Catherine Renee Engelbrecht lives about three miles from my house. She likes to say she’s from Houston, but that’s not true. She lives in Richmond. At least I hope she does because that’s where she’s registered to vote and where she did, in fact, vote in June of this year. Maybe she’s embarrassed that our mayor is an Obama supporter. Well, but so is the Houston mayor so Cathy ain’t got no place to run.
Maybe she could say that she’s from Waco. I frankly don’t care and, apparently, neither does Cathy.
Anyway, Cathy has been here since 1995 and she forgot tell you about the only case of voter fraud that ever happened in this county, and it happened while she was here. It was in all the papers.
There was a white male Democratic county commissioner by the name of Bud O’Shieles. He got elected by the straight ticket black vote in his commissioner precinct. Four years later, Ole Bud up and decides that he’s a Republican. It took about 3 weeks for Bud to start acting like a Republican – by stealing votes from black folks.
Bud drew a Republican primary opponent, so Bud hired a black man to go into the black community and request vote by mail ballots for all the elderly people and, Honey, there was a passel of them. All the requests were all turned in at once, which looked kinda suspicious and it also looked kinda suspicious that fifty elderly black people who had voted Democratic all their lives suddenly up and turned Republican to request a GOP primary ballot by mail.
So, we discover that this hired man was telling elderly black people that he would come back and help them fill out their ballot. About a week too late these people, many who were blind, discovered that they had voted in the Republican primary and were now considered Republicans under Texas law. That meant they couldn’t participate in their Democratic precinct conventions.
They were mortified. One lady, Miss Emma, wouldn’t go to church for a month for fear her friends would find out she voted Republican.
Their vote was flat stolen by Republicans for Republicans.
Bud won the Republican primary and went on to win the seat again. He lost in the next GOP primary when he couldn’t steal votes again.
And where was Cathy while this was going on? Probably trying to figure out where she lives.
And maybe Cathy needs to buy a mirror before she points fingers ever again. Anybody want to buy her a ticket to Florida?
Thanks to Ben over at Big Pepecito’s Bar in San Antonio.