Dude, They Are Teachers

October 01, 2012 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Good Ole Mitt sees no problem in taking millions and millions and another 3 million of dollars from some shady Los Vegas casino owner with a bigger agenda than your average Amway sales meeting.

No problem at all.

But, do you want to know who should not be making political contributions?  Teachers.  That’s who.  Very dangerous teachers with rulers, and red pencils, and chalk and stuff.

Republican nominee Mitt Romney said Tuesday that Democratic politicians have a conflict of interest in dealing with teacher unions because the unions contribute so heavily to their campaigns. He suggested that money should somehow be diverted or cut off, although he did not offer details.

Okay, let’s skip over the “did not offer details” parts because Mitt Romeny is allergic to details – they make him break out into a pile of messy facts.

So, let me make sure I have this right.  Obama can’t take money from kindergarten teachers because that’s “an extraordinary conflict of interest” because teachers only “supposedly” represent the interests of children.  However, Sheldon Adleson’s $100 million contribution to Romney to get a $2 billion tax break is just hunky dorey.

Republicans give me a headache.

Seriously.  They do.

Golly, I hope Romney’s debate “zingers” are this good.

Thanks to Elizabeth Moon for the heads up.

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0 Comments to “Dude, They Are Teachers”

  1. Ralph Wiggam says:

    Corporations are people but teachers aren’t.

  2. Like fetuses are people but pregnant women aren’t.

  3. Kate oDubhagain says:

    The man is vile!

  4. I just hope Mitt the Twit gets himself caught in a zinger while he is zinging up.

  5. Kate oDubhagain says:

    Montag, oh he will!

    Mitt is a real 20 watt mentality.

  6. I know most of ya’ll are football fans.

    We saw, for four weeks, the damage “replacement refs” did to the NFL.

    So, just imagine, if you will: “replacement teachers”…. “replacement fire fighters”….”replacement police officers” how about “replacement health care providers”……… The list is pretty long Professionals being “replaced”…. is awful to contemplate…..


    Let us, NOT… let that happen.

  7. Their brains are sawdust, their morals are catcrap!!

    I’m with Juanita … Republicans give me a headache and they just disgust me!!

  8. Miemaw – can I add one more to your list? The unimaginable possibility of a replacement President.

  9. Excuse me! In a post about teachers I better get this right, Miemaw – MAY I….

  10. I can’t wait until ol’ Mittens get caught in a whopper! That red triangle around his nose that forms when his entitlement is challenged will look like a stop light!

  11. In other words, the peons should just shut up already. The Repubs have decided that not only does money = free speech, only money from the rich = free speech.

  12. Go to Democratic Underground for Zingers.

  13. Bud Malone says:

    I haven’t used “he’s a jackass” lately, therefore, “he’s a jack ass”

  14. Karen in Greensboro, NC says:

    The absolute best comment over at CBSNews.com about Mitt’s idea (I certainly couldn’t phrase it any better):

    “Bungalowbillo says:

    Let me get this straight. Mitt, even under Citizens United, would set limits on teacher (and their barginning units) contributions to political races because they have to later sit and negotiate with those who may have received their money? Maybe I lost something in the translation from Romneyspeak back into English. In Romney’s world it’s OK for the Koch brothers to masquerade as a grass roots, down home, God-bless-America-and-apple-pie organization like Restore Our Future to promote their wishes through duplicity, smoke and mirrors or for a group like Restore our Future to take a similar tact, or for an organization like Alec to push their agendas through members who actually serve in state houses and the US Congress, or for someone like Grover (the unelected) Norquist to have his no tax contract, but teachers should have the amount of money they can contribute to the political discussion limited to, to what? To what Romney reasons it to be? Or Norquist’s or ALEC or AFP? This guy has lost his mind.”

  15. Marge Wood says:

    Oh, but ALEC is part of a “jobs creation” group while teachers…well, you know all of them get the summer off. Ha.
    And it reminded me of something I read a long time ago. You know when you see really nice paper from the art store, the kind with an embossed design in the corner? The origin of that was many years ago when the paper makers each had their own icons which they embossed in paper. Everyone thought that paper makers and teachers were so dangerous that the embossed design would let others know that the paper maker was still alive and kicking.
