Where in the World is Juanita Jean?

February 18, 2016 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Good morning, salonistas! Miz Juanita Jean has been called away to deliver a symposium at Harvard’s College.   That’s Joe Harvard’s College of Beauty, which shares a post office box with Joe’s Headlight Scraping Service.   So right now, JJ isn’t looking in, but she is in looks, which is why she is highly sought after on the beauty and headlight-scraping lecture circuit.

And even if Miz JJ isn’t looking at the moment, she knows how to hit rewind on the security system she had installed after a bunch of wigs and weaves went missing, so don’t try nothing! (That was right before my cousin, Jesus Hachecristo, showed up on Halloween as a parti-colored Wookie.  Co-inky-dink?)

JJ should be back this weekend some time, with cleaner headlights, thanks to her Harvard honorarium. In the meantime, I’ll keep the shop open, and the coffee brewing, and the conversation perking.


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