Where in the World is Juanita Jean?

February 18, 2016 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Good morning, salonistas! Miz Juanita Jean has been called away to deliver a symposium at Harvard’s College.   That’s Joe Harvard’s College of Beauty, which shares a post office box with Joe’s Headlight Scraping Service.   So right now, JJ isn’t looking in, but she is in looks, which is why she is highly sought after on the beauty and headlight-scraping lecture circuit.

And even if Miz JJ isn’t looking at the moment, she knows how to hit rewind on the security system she had installed after a bunch of wigs and weaves went missing, so don’t try nothing! (That was right before my cousin, Jesus Hachecristo, showed up on Halloween as a parti-colored Wookie.  Co-inky-dink?)

JJ should be back this weekend some time, with cleaner headlights, thanks to her Harvard honorarium. In the meantime, I’ll keep the shop open, and the coffee brewing, and the conversation perking.


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0 Comments to “Where in the World is Juanita Jean?”

  1. Well, so during my quick scan of the headlines this morning, looking for my next outrage, I read that welfare queen Cliven Bundy along with several other whackadoodles that he controlled have been indicted by a federal grand jury. Well done good citizens of Nevada. BTW, the federal judge who arraigned Bundy agreed with US Attorney that Bundy was a flight risk amongst other things and denied bail. Well done to you sir as well.

  2. Just wanted to let Primo know that he’s doing a fine job keep TWMDBS up and running.

    Thanks, Primo!

  3. Primo, are walk-ins accepted or is it by appointment only at the beauty shop?

  4. Sorry to hear that your cousin, Jesus Hachecristo, is a klepto where wigs and weaves are concerned. Hope things are going well with the Hahvahd Symposium and with Bubba’s campaign.

    Some interesting people have come forward to support President Obama’s right/duty to appoint a Scalia successor:
    Sandra Day O’Connor, Ben Carson and Sen. Grassley. The rub is, even if the Prez nominates, it’s a sure thing that the RKlan will not confirm.

  5. treehugger says:

    I heard on the radio (a reputable station with unbiased news reporting) that there is a substantial backlog of judicial nominations pending before Congress, mostly nominations to various appellate courts. The RKlan won’t confirm those either, even though, according to the reporter, the Supreme Court has complained to Congress about it. This has been going on since Obama was elected in 2008. It is a disgrace.

  6. JAKvirginia says:

    Primo… you’re doing a wonderful job!

    (Don’t forget to sweep under the cabinets, m’kay?)

  7. maryelle and treehugger: it’s like you were reading over Primo’s shoulder while he typed the next article!

    maggie: Primo says “walk on in any time, but I’m not licensed to cut, color and/or style your hair. Or sugar, wax, pluck, laser-zap or electrocute your follicles. Or give massages, for that matter, but that hasn’t stopped me 😉 yet.”

    also maryelle: Jesus Hachecristo is a klepto where many things are concerned, but most especially Primo’s beer. He offered to bring the hair back, but ended up selling swatches of it at Star Wars conventions to near-sighted Wookie-philes, instead.

    JAK – why start now?

  8. e platypus onion says:

    The Shadow knows-She’s everywhere! For your enjoyment-


    Yup,Occonor says Obie the Magnificent should fill Scotus vacancy.

  9. Sam in San Antonio says:

    Wanted to send JJ a card but they all specify left or right headlight.

  10. e platypus onion says:

    Make sure you send her a bluelight headlight and then left or right is a moot point.

  11. JAKvirginia says:

    Hey daChipster… I know this is a temp job but c’mon. Have you looked under those cabinets? Not pretty.

  12. AlanInAustin says:

    “But Chad and Niki Neal might soon wish they hadn’t followed Morgan’s example. The couple, who own Save Yourself Survival and Tactical Gun Range in Oktaha, Okla., posted a sign in a shop window declaring, “This privately owned business is a Muslim Free establishment.” Last year, they allegedly cited this policy when they turned Raja’ee Fatihah away after he identified himself as a Muslim.

    Unfortunately for the Neals, Fatihah is a U.S. Army reservist and investigator for the Oklahoma Department of Human Services.”



  13. slipstream says:

    JAK . . . never look under the cabinets. Never.

  14. treehugger, what I read is that the snacilbupeR have made no move, or blocked/placed hold on 83 of Obama’s nominees to the federal bench. Do you agree with that number?

  15. Thank you, sir. You are doing a bang-up job of filling JJ’s boots. I’m enjoying your writing very much.

  16. I seem to remember hearing a large double-digit number — 83 sounds about right. I’ve read here and there for several years now about large docket backlogs because of the judge shortage. It is unconscionable. I don’t know how those members of Congress sleep at night. They’ve sold their souls to the devil.
