When, Ted?

December 08, 2013 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

So Ted Cruz has a newsletter and our customer Marge subscribes to it to send me the good stuff because, honestly, if I did it myself there would be claw marks on my computer screen.

I’ve been busy and I let this one get by me.  But, it’s never too late to say, “And you thought Rick Perry was dumb?”

Click the little one to get the big one.


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Well, I checked it out and the only faithful thing that happened on December 7, 1932, was —

First gyro-stabilized vessel to cross the Atlantic arrives in New York

I mean, that’s cool and everything but, let’s face it, Ted Cruz is not stabilized in any manner, much less gyro.

He issued a correction a bit later.    No mention of stabilized.

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Thanks to Marge for this thankless task.

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0 Comments to “When, Ted?”

  1. Obviously, the Repugnant continue to try and rewrite history. And by the way, “liberty” was not a universal theme at the time of the Revolutionary War. Very little was ever said about liberty. In fact, there was a rift in the colonies and the prime anxiety was money. The bottom line was which would be better for business….separation from England or continued colony status. In fact, the NY delegation was opposed to war. BUT, as with all wars…..it is all about money. We have been sold a mythological ideal about freedom and liberty. Try selling that to the wounded warriors, Ted.

  2. VeeGee in VT says:

    “Holiday Season”? Can he get away with that, considering the baseness of his base?

  3. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Tin Ear Ted, Ten Year Ted, earns the Gohmert Prize for that snafu. Would almost sympathize with the man for having the dates convoluted, but he misses the whole WWII lesson.

    But that won’t disturb his followers. As VeeGee in VT has noted, “Holiday Season,” that should rile up his base.

  4. He tries and tries with all his might, but poor Teddy Cruzmeister can’t get it right. After the Mandela backlash, he’ll catch hell for the “Holidays” remark. Couldn’t happen to a more deserving Repug.

  5. “… my visit throughout the Lone Star state”

    Hey Honey, when you live in a state you don’t come for a visit, you come back home. According to the dictionary:

    Full Definition of VISITING

    1 : invited to join or attend an institution (as a university) for a limited time
    2 : playing on an opponent’s grounds

    hmmm, so he’s either here for a limited time or he views as opponents.

  6. Marge Wood says:

    Hooboy. Y’all are really great at picking up possible discussion topics. Money and visiting. You might like to read UNFAMILIAR FISHES by Sarah Vowell, about the rather lengthy visit of Hawaii by the United States. It’s non-fiction but very entertaining.
    Here’s a fun one a friend and I discussed the other day. What if you were at a stadium and Cruz happened to come in and sit next to you? I said I’d scoot over and then when he sat down I’d nag him to death. What about you?

  7. Lorraine in Spring says:

    @Marge Wood

    Not too long ago, I was on a flight back to Houston. At the time, the SBC was going on here. I had the pleasure of sitting next to a nice young (30’s w/6 kids!) pastor on his way to the convention. Well, he was a non-stop talker, evangelist & Quiverfull believer. Well, I was not going to sit there for 3+ hours listening to his sales pitch, so I turned the tables on him. I talked for 2 straight hours giving him my opinion on everything from how to cook a turkey, best vacations and children’s craft projects to abortion, wars and why he should keep his personal relationship with God to himself.

    I’d do the same with Ted Cruz too, but I doubt he’d ever fly cattle class.

  8. The Academy Award winning actress, Ellen Burstyn, (nee Edna Rae Gillooly from Detroit, MI) was born on December 7, 1932. It was an easy enough mistake to make, confusing her with the attack on Pearl Harbor…

  9. e platypus onion says:

    The surprise attack on Pearl happened nine years before it happened. Must have surprised Admiral Yamamoto,as well. Probably will be faithfully recorded in Texas school history books as fact.

  10. Even Bluto in Animal House knew WHEN the Germans attacked Peal Harbor. And not to scare anyone, but if you recall at the end on the movie “Bluto” Blutarsky did go on to become a US Senator, marry Mandy Pepperidge, and they became the President and First Lady of the United States. Thankfully, I was unable to find any links when I made a Google search for ‘Ted Cruz Delta House.’

  11. Mary Margaret says:

    A day that will live in infamy — or not, depending on your view of stability.

  12. Miss Prissybritches says:

    Elected by Robots

  13. Like is attracted to like. Tedster is surrounded by staffers just as brainless as he is. Even without the egregiously wrong date, that “greeting” still has a sh** eating grin on it.

  14. Elizabeth says:

    Lorraine, you’re my hero. SO glad you did that. Stop a mansplainer in his tracks and ‘splain right back at him.

  15. Hippie in the Hollar says:

    Lorraine, I think you just won the prize for today. Wish we had video of that.

  16. Marcia in CO says:

    My sister was born on December 7, 1941 and, according to what my Mom ever told us … she was pushed out at the same time the first bomb was dropped on Pearl Harbor. I’ve said over the years that my sister has been a bomb ever since.

  17. How, oh how, did he ever manage to graduate from Harvard?

  18. Good can come from anything, even Ted Cruz, don’cha know?

    Seeing this inspired me to ask a friend how you get a screenshot of something (before it gets erased or changed), which Marge obviously had of that page. She showed me how, and now I have a cool new computer thing to play with. Thanks, Marge. Thanks, Juanita Jean.

  19. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Great question, Dinah. It’s the ‘privilege’ thing of which the GOP would like to bury. His primogeniture wasn’t parental as much as attached to the Bush thing and Holy Gohmert, Boehner.

    Thinking the GOP privilege thing has some deep rooted incest.

  20. It’s to bad you had someone take the original email/letter and doctor it up to somehow show Senator Ted Cruz to be incompetent in referencing Pearl Harbor. It’s unfortunate that you bit on it and posted an untruth. I would have expected better from you than this.


  21. Sweet Crabby says:

    Seriously, how did he manage to graduate from Harvard? For that matter, how did Bush baby graduate from anywhere? There has to be a cadre of former classmates, note-takers, test-takers and paper-writers who got them through. Why are they silent? Cruz may have the kind of intelligence and memory to take tests, regurgitate data on command when necessary, but he must have come across as a screaming throwback to the dark ages when the class topic was social programs or progressive politics. So how, how on this pretty green earth, did he pass classes? I know he was excellent at debate, but that is a narrow field. A person can be skilled at debate but unable to carry on a conversation, or to *listen* to anyone for the purpose of understanding, not just for the purpose of winning a debate. Why aren’t his former professors sharing their opinions of him? The man is a menace.

  22. Juanita Jean says:

    Luther, you’re an idiot. I told you that he sent a correction. On the upside, I never expected better than idiot from you.

    Here ya go, Luther – I put the correction email on the front page just to prove what an idiot you are. Now go away, quit emailing me, and let the adults play here.

    And, Luther, now I find out you put a fake email address for remission to post. So, not only are you an idiot, you’re poopie del toro.

  23. This line from a previous Cruz control story perfectly sums up my sense of the T Party in general and Cruz in particular: “His supporters went nuts. Literally dragging knuckles and throwing feces.” I have used this so much the past few days I may change my gmail signature to include it just in case my email response doesn’t. What a miserable excuse for a human being is Cruz.

  24. Marge Wood says:

    Teacher! Teacher! I know, I know!!! (waving my hand.) I GOT THE LETTER ON EMAIL FROM CRUZ’S OFFICE and then I sent it to Miz Juanita Jean. That’s how it looked. Period.
    And Lorraine, I’m with you: wear ’em down with good ol’ days stories.
    AND Sweet Crabby, a retired attorney friend of mine supposes that Cruz is a prosecutor, being’s as how good he is at turning stuff around and dumping it on folks. Don’t nobody let ‘im dump on you. I know I wouldn’t last five minutes lecturing Cruz but I betcha I could tire him out with childbirth stories and how to deal with croup and ticks.

  25. yet another baby boomer says:

    Now, now folks, let’s stop being so hard on Ted for his ignorance. Bless his heart, why should a Canadian-Cuban know anything about US history? That might also explain why he’s just “visiting” Texas.

  26. Thanks for giving Luther hell, J.J.
    What an imbecile. He’s a Repug denier all right. That Cruz mistake had to be some Democrat’s conspiracy, of course.
    Honestly, I have begun to despair that the majority of American people are just too stupid to get it and deserve the lousy excuse for government the Republican Party dishes out.

  27. Lorraine in Spring says:

    Does anyone know if old Luther has health insurance?

    Just wondering.

  28. I’ll bet even money that he doesn’t remember that song that came shortly after the bombing of Pearl Harbor in 1941, “Lets remember Pearl Harbor as we did the Alamo….” I about drove my poor Momma crazy singing that ditty over and over. If pressed I probably still could, if she was living.
