When, Ted?

December 08, 2013 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

So Ted Cruz has a newsletter and our customer Marge subscribes to it to send me the good stuff because, honestly, if I did it myself there would be claw marks on my computer screen.

I’ve been busy and I let this one get by me.  But, it’s never too late to say, “And you thought Rick Perry was dumb?”

Click the little one to get the big one.


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Well, I checked it out and the only faithful thing that happened on December 7, 1932, was —

First gyro-stabilized vessel to cross the Atlantic arrives in New York

I mean, that’s cool and everything but, let’s face it, Ted Cruz is not stabilized in any manner, much less gyro.

He issued a correction a bit later.    No mention of stabilized.

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Thanks to Marge for this thankless task.

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