Whataburger (pronounced Wad-uh-burger in Texas) is the best dang fast-food in Texas. One time when I was visiting Tennessee I met Loretta Lynn’s son-in-law. That practically amounts to being a celebrity in the South. We got to chatting and he admitted that the thing he missed most about Texas was Whataburger.
Whataburger condiments are so good that they started bottling and selling their regular ketchup, ranch dressing, and spicy ketchup on supermarket shelves. Their french fries are stellar. It’s a damn Texas institution and they just one-upped everybody in town.
There will be no open carry in Whataburger restaurants. Their CEO says —
“We’ve had many customers and employees tell us they’re uncomfortable being around someone with a visible firearm who is not a member of law enforcement…we have a responsibility to make sure everyone who walks into our restaurants feels comfortable. For that reason, we don’t restrict licensed concealed carry but do ask customers not to open carry in our restaurants.”
Hell, yes.
If you are so insecure that you cannot possibly leave home without flashing a gun at everybody, just order to-go, sneak back into you bat cave, and leave the rest of us alone.
Thank you, Whataburger.