Can We Make It To Two Dozen By Labor Day?

July 08, 2015 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Another Republican jumps in.

Screen Shot 2015-07-08 at 8.35.34 AMJim Gilmore, the former Virginia governor for one term and the guy who lost the 2008  Senate race to Democrat Mark Warner by 31 percentage points, has decided that the latest batch of Republican Presidential candidates simply are not scaring us enough.

The former governor said he is particularly concerned about “the emergency internationally,” citing not just the so-called Islamic State, but Russia’s ventures in Ukraine and China’s moves in the South China Sea.

Yeah, let us not forget that we should be hoarding bullets for the coming invasion.

And he says we need some more of those Bush economics.

He also said he believes President Barack Obama’s economic policies have undermined what should be a “foundation of strength” for the nation.

Yeah, and Obama was handed a such a robust economy.

Thanks to Jim for the heads up.

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0 Comments to “Can We Make It To Two Dozen By Labor Day?”

  1. @JJ
    You asked “Can We Make It To Two Dozen By Labor Day?”

    And the assembled Teahadists said emphatically, “Hell YES!”

  2. BarbinDC says:

    Oh, swell. Even the Rethugs realized that Gilmore is a dumb as a box of rocks. He must have run out of things to do–or his wife told him to get out of the house and find something to do. Running for President fills that bill, I guess.

  3. Hollyanna says:

    The bar just got lowered. If this dumb cluck has declared, can Louie hisownself be far behind?

  4. Lorraine in Spring says:

    Jim who?

    No seriously. Jim who?

    Must have missed this guy while I was LMAO over Christie, Rubio, Huckabee and Trump.

  5. I can understand how a lot of people would be looking at the GOP’s declared candidates and thinking, “I can do as well as that load of losers.” So another loser jumps into the pool….

  6. 19 Klowns and Counting. (Actually I’ve lost count.)

    This is an interesting article (hope it’s correct):

    Rhea, I think they are jumping into the shallow end of the gene pool.

  7. Sandridge says:

    Now if only somebody could talk Louie G, and maybe Jan Brewer, into hopping aboard the Clown Winnebago…
    Hell, why stop with them, there’s plenty of time and many more clowns left.

    These clowns are going to need a whole Amtrak train before long, what would make a good train name for it?
    ( ).
    The Wahoo Yahoo?
    Teaparty Twinkie?
    Koch Bros Mainliner?
    ALEC A__holer?
    RW Batsh!tter?

  8. AKLynne says:


  9. This is the guy who actually had to buy himself a personality. And worse yet, he admits it.

  10. The Winnebago’s overweight (Christie). Maybe a mid-sized Bluebird? A Bluebird of Unhappiness, as it were.

  11. JAKvirginia says:

    I guess I’ve reached jaded. I just don’t care who runs for POTUS on the R side. They’re all losers. Not a candidate in the bunch who can be taken seriously.

    Oh, here’s a charming footnote: The Donald is triplng down on his earlier comments and is digging a bigger hole for himself. Time to change the channel.

  12. lunargent says:

    Did I miss the news bulletin?

    Is it now mandatory that all former governors of Virginia run for president?

    I think guys are now getting into the race because they were told a free luncheon would be served.

  13. Mary Beth says:

    Since many in America are crazy about anyone who gets publicity (thanks Kardashians) these losers are just looking for another gig as their governorships whine (intentional) down. Low information voters will give them a boost into high paying “jobs” in Republican think tanks (muffled laughter) or Valhalla, a job on Faux News. Crazy counts!!

  14. Someone messed up – it was supposed to be “Sixteen in 2016”

  15. gabberflasted says:

    The Reps need a lifeguard watching the pool. If there are too many in the pool, the life guard cannot see a lifeless person on the bottom of the pool.
    WAIT! Nevermind.

  16. Zyxomma says:

    Crazy-eyes Michele-one-L Bachmann hasn’t declared. Now for some good news: $arah Payme’s TV channel doesn’t have enough subscribers to keep it going, so she’s going to offer the so-called content for free.

  17. maryelle says:

    I’ll see your 2 dozen and raise it another half dozen.
