What The Hell is Wrong With These People?
Okay, first Republican congressvarmints give up their statutory duty to originate taxing bills, then they say they’ll toss it to the Senate for them to come up with an agreement and then once the Senate gets a 2:00 am bi-partisan agreement on New Years Eve, Eric Cantor says no.
What the hell is wrong with him? Is his thinking mechanism outta whack? Was he baptized in vinegar? Hell, something serious is wrong with him.
Then I see some damn fool female Republican congressscorpion on tv saying “They came up with a last minute bill and expect us to pass it? That would be crazy.” No, Babe, thinking this is a last minute bill is crazy. What the hell is wrong with you?
John Boehner, what the hell is wrong …. never mind. It’s the orange influenza.
Cantor was on teevee today STILL whining that the President made fun of him yesterday. Dude, everybody is making fun of you. You qualify as a carnival ride in 46 states.
Look, we’re not idiots out here in Real America. We know this is a leadership fight between Cantor, Ryan and Boehner. The last leadership fight like this was between Tom DeLay, Newt Gingrich, and Dick Armey. Hell, all of them are unemployed today, one is married to a woman so ugly that she makes your clothes wrinkle when she walks by you, and one of them is probably going to jail. You’d think that would be a cautionary tale. But, nooo ….
Then I get an email yesterday from some guy who claims to have been “a fan” of mine for years but is not coming to my site anymore because I am what’s causing all the division in this country. Hell, if I had that kind of power, I’d use it to make stoopid painful. Toodle-loo, what’s wrong with you?
You wanna know what’s wrong with me? I’m sick of them. No more Miss Nice Juanita. I’m going after them tooth and nail.
That’s my new years resolution, dammit.