What Happens in WalMart, Hurts in WalMart

July 25, 2012 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Aren’t you glad he took gun lessons?  Can you imagine if he hadn’t?

A man and three bystanders have been slightly hurt when his gun accidentally fired at a Walmart store in Dallas.

According to police, a man was reaching into his pocket to get to his wallet when the gun he was carrying in his pants holster dropped to the ground and went off accidentally.

Police say the suspect has a license to carry a concealed weapon.

Police say the man was grazed by the bullet in the back of his leg and two shoppers at the store were also injured, possibly by pieces of debris.

A woman and a young child in the Dallas store were treated at the scene for minor injuries but they were not taken to the hospital.

Police say the suspect made two bad decisions.  He left the store and when an off-duty officer approached him, he ran.  He was arrested a short time later.

The suspect is charged with injury to a child and evading arrest.

Why did he run?  My guess is he needed to clean up, you know, in the bathroom.

Thanks to Carl for the heads-up.

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0 Comments to “What Happens in WalMart, Hurts in WalMart”

  1. My Mom lives in Big D – matter of fact she is 82 yro and that Walmart is in the ‘hood’ where I grew up – good thing Mom does NOT shop at Walmart, or at night, or………glad she uses online and mail order and stays out of parking lots as much as possible. Wish they still delivered groceries…..NOBODY needs to be carrying a gun in this “upscale” neighborhood in Dallas, except DPD.

  2. Bo Leeyeau says:

    But I thought CHL holders were the good guys?

  3. Sgt Mike in Commerce says:

    Those mouse guns scare the bejesus out of me. I have seen some that look and feel cheap. Some have a deserved reputation for going off of their own will at inopportune times. Not to mention, Stuck in your pants pocket they can wind up pointed at your sensitive parts.

    I much prefer my Colt in a big round non printing holster and a big T-shirt or securely hung in Galco leather if I’m wearing a coat and tie.

  4. Here again if there had been more armed patrons around this incident would have turned out so much better.

  5. Shop ’till you drop. Not good to begin with, but this guy has figured out how to make it even worse.

  6. Why the heck would a guy carry a gun to, of all places, a Walmart….. for gosh sakes????

    These pistol packin’ people scare the beejeebers out of me.

    Like JJ, I have no desire to have “innocent bystander” be part of my obit.

    Is there no place any more where people can’t pack heat???

  7. Sgt Mike, you say that mouse guns are risky because “Stuck in your pants pocket they can wind up pointed at your sensitive parts.” That just sounds like a Darwin award waiting to happen.

  8. I was in a Wal-Mart several years ago when I noticed the guy in line ahead of me was strapped with a belt holster. It appeared to be a .38 auto and I wondered just what he was involved in that he needed to be armed at all times. He was obviously NOT a police officer.

    More recently I observed a ‘good ‘ol boy’ get into an argument with a young black airman[airwoman??] in the parking lot of the same store. He pulled out a large hunting knife threatening her. When he noticed the old, fat white guy[me] on the phone looking at him, he decided to take his leave. Yes, I was calling the police at the time.

  9. Sgt Mike in Commerce says:

    @LynnN: Yes. Like gravity, natural selection is a heartless bitch.
