We’ve Got Zika Virus. We’ve Got Contaminated Household Water in Corpus Christi. We’ve Got Horrible Underfunding in Education. Hell, We’ve Got 99 Problems but This Ain’t One of Them.
Our Governor has up and decided that all “fetal material” must be either cremated or buried.
Oh no, it’s not just a sick joke. It’s reality!
And the reasoning behind it?
… the public benefit anticipated as a result of adopting and enforcing these rules will be enhanced protection of the health and safety of the public.
I’d like to see the name of one person in Texas whose health and safety has been bothered.
But, just to make sure that you might not mistake these cowboys for environmentalist, they also include this little ditty.
This proposal is not intended to protect the environment or reduce risks to human health from environmental exposure.
No, this proposal is the Texas Lawyer Full Employment Act. We are going to spend about as much as it costs to land on Boardwalk with 5 hotels to make abortion as shameful as possible.
We will, by gawd, spend millions of dollars fighting this to the Supreme Court because (1) we can, and (2) hell, it ain’t our money; it’s yours.