We’ve Got Zika Virus. We’ve Got Contaminated Household Water in Corpus Christi. We’ve Got Horrible Underfunding in Education. Hell, We’ve Got 99 Problems but This Ain’t One of Them.

July 07, 2016 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Our Governor has up and decided that all “fetal material” must be either cremated or buried.

Oh no, it’s not just a sick joke.  It’s reality!

And the reasoning behind it?

… the public benefit anticipated as a result of adopting and enforcing these rules will be enhanced protection of the health and safety of the public.

I’d like to see the name of one person in Texas whose health and safety has been bothered.

GregAbbott_TexMen_1But, just to make sure that you might not mistake these cowboys for environmentalist, they also include this little ditty.

This proposal is not intended to protect the environment or reduce risks to human health from environmental exposure.

No, this proposal is the Texas Lawyer Full Employment Act.  We are going to spend about as much as it costs to land on Boardwalk with 5 hotels to make abortion as shameful as possible.

We will, by gawd, spend millions of dollars fighting this to the Supreme Court because (1) we can, and (2) hell, it ain’t our money; it’s yours.

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0 Comments to “We’ve Got Zika Virus. We’ve Got Contaminated Household Water in Corpus Christi. We’ve Got Horrible Underfunding in Education. Hell, We’ve Got 99 Problems but This Ain’t One of Them.”

  1. weakgrip says:

    spell check cremated

  2. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    What does Texas law say about the disposal of medical waste? Whatever it is, it needs to be done to A-Butt, like yesterday.

  3. Juanita Jean Herownself says:

    Thank you, weakgrip. That being done, I still like my spelling better.

  4. WA Skeptic says:

    Next the State of Texass will be demanding that all women having their menstrual cycle must submit their used sanitary products for inspection by the Governor’s Office.

    I say we start that immediately. That’ll learn ’em, durn ’em.

    (Sorry, Mama)

  5. omg. when does stupid end? what about all of the other human remains that come as a result of medical procedures, operations and amputations and the like. they are human tissue too also deserving of proper burial right? What about teeth removed by the dentist? Let’s show some respect here and put all teeth under our pillows so that the tooth fairy can properly dispose of them.

  6. daChipster says:

    They tried this crap here in Ohio. Not only did the State have to settle the case, but they had to pay Planned Parenthood’s legal fees.

    It turned out that the state was disposing of human medical waste in exactly the same way.

  7. e platypus onion says:

    If I remembers right, your state has slightly less stringent rules for disposing of nukular waste.

  8. Just when you thought it was safe to give a sigh of relief, secure in the belief that there’s nothing else that Texas’s wise and beneficent elected leaders could possibly do to make us look any more like dumbass, barefoot, crooked-ball-cap wearing rednecks, hear comes Greg to save the day. I know this is a terrible thing to say about someone in a wheelchair, but I can’t think of anybody more deserving of the following mean spiciness. His legs are pretty skinny with great upper body strength. A Mighty Mouse outfit would be perfect. Sorry mama, I’m gonna go hide all the soap now. On side note, I noticed that my phone changed spiritedness to spiciness and decided to roll with it. I’m going to hell anyway, might as well have a little fun on the way.

  9. Sandridge says:

    Will somebody please hotwire his wheelchair…

  10. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    P.P and Sandridge, I’d be happy to lend ol’ Greg my ACME credit card for his further adventures.


    Did someone save the tree that hit him? We need a couple of stout branches from it to beat some sense into that maroon.

  11. weakgrip says:

    juanitajean herownself,
    I agree and considering the title of the previous item it was a continued chuckler

  12. Oh, and just to clarify. After reading most of the official notification that the above link sends us to, I noticed that Renee Clack informed us under the heading “Fiscal Note” that there will NOT be any added expense to any state, local agency, OR entity private or commercial. And what cost analysis report does she cite to support said claim? “Because I SAID SO”. I guess that’s to be expected from a lady, okay woman, who comes from a genetic line of the proud Clark family that forgot how to spell their own damn names.

  13. Pancho Sanza says:

    Still waiting for Teas as a whole to stop feeling sorry for this twerp because he’s in a chair and realize what a fucking giant prick he is.

  14. JAKvirginia says:

    Boy, Texass, you sure can pick ’em! Saw Wendy Davis on the teevee last week looking all gorgeous and speaking smart. You passed that up for A-Butt?

  15. Abutt needs to go. He’s more than physically handicapped.

  16. joel hanes says:

    De 100 Problemas que tienes:
    10 son por pendejo y
    90 por metiche.

  17. Thus spake Pope Gregory.

    Hey, anyone know whatever came of those Texas HHS raids on Planned Parenthood offices? Surely there must have been some criminal wrong-doing discovered; otherwise, it would mean THHS was using the power of the state to coerce and intimidate in order to implement Pope Gregory’s agenda.

  18. AlanInAustin says:

    I thought we sent fetal material to the Governor’s home.
    Oh wait — that’s *fecal* material.
    Sorry for the confusion.

  19. Elizabeth Moon says:

    I’m really glad I don’t have a uterus anymore. And I have great sympathy for those women whose reproductive parts are still in working order, and their daughters as well.

    We need to get this sanctimonious moron OUT.

  20. Tilphousia says:

    Stupid is as stupid does. Let’s cremate Abotts political career and bury it’s sorry remains.

  21. Arakasi says:

    There was a case a year or two ago in which a hospital in the UK was doing exactly that – cremating fetal tissue. They were disposing of it along with all the other medical waste in an on site incinerator. Things came to a head when it was revealed that the hospital was using the heat from the incinerator to heat the buildings. The screams of “They’re burning dead babies for fuel!!!!!” were overpowering.
