Well, There’s This
I think trying to figure out what Mueller is doing requires tea leaves, a Magic 8 Ball, and Ouija board.
That said, there’s this.
The office of special counsel Robert Mueller has now proposed dropping charges against former Trump campaign aide Rick Gates, in what might be the strongest sign yet that Gates has given the investigation significant information related to its probe of Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election.
Gates, who served as Trump’s deputy campaign chairman during the 2016 presidential election, agreed to plead guilty to conspiracy against the United States and lying to federal investigators last week.
The only questions I have are (1) how long and how many indictments will it take to get Manafort to come apart like a $3 suitcase in a train station, or (2) Has Devin Nunes been sneaking over to Manafort’s house to deliver pinkie promises from Trump that he will grant Manafort a pardon?
Oh, well, it’s all just a WAG (Wild Butt Guess), but it’s fun to play WTF with the Trump inquiry.
Thanks to everybody for the heads up.