Well, That Was Quick

April 12, 2017 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

And to think Republicans used to think this was a flip flop.

President Donald Trump, in joint news conference with NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg, said he no longer believes that the foreign treaty organization is “obsolete,” a view he held during the 2016 campaign.

“I said it was obsolete. It is no longer obsolete,” Trump said Wednesday, citing the group’s recent anti-terror efforts.
It’s not that Trump was wrong about it being obsolete, mind you.  It’s that under Trump’s leadership it suddenly became not-obsolete.
The Trump is never wrong about anything.  His mere presence makes NATO important.
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0 Comments to “Well, That Was Quick”

  1. WA Skeptic says:

    Stupid Trump always sides with whomever talked to him last.

    Somebody throw a hood over this guy’s head and confine him to a cozy room at Mar-a-Lago, fergawdsake.

  2. Lawrence O’Donnell. Chocolate cake. Google it. Please.

  3. BarbinDC says:

    This fool had to be reminded by the President of NATO that NATO forces went into Afghanistan after 2001 and have been there ever since–because we were attacked and they all responded as one. Just like NATO was designed to do.


    I would weep for my country, except that we all realized that the majority of voters are ignoramuses. (Ignorami?)

  4. If Donnie ever says that he was wrong about something, I may have to resort to my fainting couch. I’d clutch my pearls but I’d rather clutch his fat neck and squeeze real hard.

    Nothing like having a president who’s an international embarrassment.

  5. A year or so ago I tested my grip on a hand dynamometer at the gym. The young guy before me did almost 80kg. I did 52kg. The gym informally uses 60kg as a minimum baseline. I’ve been working on grip almost every day since. If I am afforded the chance, as Rhea puts it so well above to “clutch his fat neck and squeeze real hard” I want to enjoy a successful result.

  6. The stoopid must simply overwhelm Orange Whore sometimes. I take that back, stoopid consistently overwhelms, with occasional in breaks of complete confusion.

  7. Tilphousia says:

    Traitor trump’s head swivels faster than a bobble head moves. I can’t keep up. Please, please, PLEASE! Send the guys in the White coats with straighjackets. NOW.

  8. We have enemies in this world that could literally take out the planet they sit on. I can hear them cackling over the fact that tRump has made their goal so much easier to achieve. CJ has to go someplace where he can’ harm anyone and frankly I don’t care where, what country, etc. etc.

  9. maryelle says:

    Those of us with more than half a brain knew that this man was not in any way able to handle the job. His drooling hordes didn’t care.
    Trouble is, we may all get nuked together and pay the ultimate price for their stupidity and intransigence.

  10. AliceBeth says:

    When he does a 180 like that, does anyone ever ask him to explain? Did anyone ask him to explain NATO??

  11. treehugger says:

    North Korea is ready to test some nuclear weapon and we have Nightmare on Pennsylvania Avenue playing nonstop on every screen in the US. I’m ready to find a cave where I can live a hermit’s life.

  12. Don A in Pennsyltucky says:

    The really annoying thing about his endless flip-flops is that he never acknowledges the previous position. Why it’s almost like we have always been at war with Eurasia.
