Bless His Heart

April 12, 2017 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Y’all, bless Ben Carson’s heart.

Carson went on a two-day “listening tour” to Miami, Florida. I think he’s still trying to figure out what HUD stands for and I deeply appreciate any research he does on the matter.

So he goes to visit a Miami housing development and right after he tried out the foosball table …

Housing and Urban Development Secretary Ben Carson’s two-day visit to Miami — his third stop on a national listening tour — started with a big glitch.

Carson, Miami-Dade County Public Housing Director Michael Liu and five other people got stuck inside an elevator Wednesday on the way down from a visit to the rooftop of the Courtside Family Apartments in Overtown.

He’s stuck in an elevator for 20 minutes.  They have to call the firs department to open the door.  You know for an almost certain fact that in that 20 minutes he forgot everything he had learned that morning.

He’s like George Bush except for the brain surgery.
Thanks to Deb for the heads up.
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0 Comments to “Bless His Heart”

  1. The good news about Ben Carson is that he doesn’t appear to be doing much of anything (except for getting stuck in elevators, I mean).

    Supposedly a physician’s first rule is “Do no harm.” Let’s hope Carson continues to follow that, even if it is as a result of ignorance and lethargy instead of any higher values.

  2. e platypus onion says:

    Carson is not Paul Newman.

  3. charles phillips says:

    he’s either a savant or senile, and either way he shouldn’t be at the levers of power, not even a self propelled lawn mower.

  4. maryelle says:

    If HUD is similar to all the other Departments, the Secretaries await word from on high to start cutting employees, programs and policies. Perhaps he did a bit of forced listening inside that elevator, which might just be his most successful meeting to date.

  5. slipstream says:

    Okay, time for somebody to give the poor guy a break and explain to him what HUD is.

    HUD is a 1963 movie, a western starring Paul Newman (as epo mentioned). Ben, you can watch it on YouTube.


    Ben, YouTube is an internet content provider which allows you to watch old movies, television shows, and videos of people’s cats being cute right there on your computer screen.


    Ben, the internet is a series of tubes which connects computers together so you can . . .

    Forget it. Too much explaining.

  6. Slip, nice try but forget about it. The guy is a figurehead only. There is someone else doing all the actual work of running HUD. Thank goodness!

    And here is a PS. Everyone I know who still works in an executive department has nothing good to say about the way the Administration is determined to treat the department with the exception of Defense. Can’t wait to see the line marked “security” in the State Department appropriation. I bet its been cut again. This could conceivably put Tillerson in a tight spot if a consulate or an embassy is attacked and there is either little to none defensive security. But, hey, worry not. He’s not Hillary, the favorite punching bag of those big old boys who just love to beat up on women, reason not withstanding.

  7. This might give him second thoughts about taking a ride in the Egptian pyramid grain elevators.

  8. If an embassy gets attacked, they will surely find a way to investigate Hillary.

  9. Send in United to get him out.

  10. Cheryl you win the internet today. That is funny!

  11. Another consideration– how often do the residents of this place get stuck in that elevator?

    Off-topic but I was reminded by the mental image of Carson being dragged off a plane. I read that they tried to eject Frederick Douglass from a train car because he wasn’t white. He said he’d paid for a ticket and was entitled to his seat. He hung onto that seat so firmly that they had to unscrew it from the floor and take him out still in the seat. (On reflection, I’m surprised the train goons didn’t beat him up, but it’s a great mental image– them carrying him off like a nobleman in a sedan chair.)

  12. I doubt there will be any security cuts. In fact, those precious, delicate, little snacilbupeR flowers are very focused on their own security. Besides Betsy Dunce’s extra security to protect her from those dangerous 5 year olds and the legislators terrified of their constituents, now Pee-yoo-itt is in the same boat. He’s afraid of the people who would rather not trash our one and only planet. Poor, pitiful little snacilbupeR. I guess this is how it is when ammosexuals aren’t carrying around their big, shiny guns.

  13. gabberflasted says:

    EPO, he isn’t even Alfred E. Newman.
